Welcome to the GDG Chennai Hackathon GitHub repo. Follow these steps to add your project.
Create a Folder:
- Name the folder with your project name (e.g.,
- Name the folder with your project name (e.g.,
Add Your Files:
- Put all your project files inside the folder.
- Include code, assets, etc.
Project README:
- Inside your project folder, include a README file.
- Follow this structure:
- Project Title: Your project name.
- Description: A short summary of what your project does.
- Tech Stack: List of tools and libraries used.
- Team Members: Names of your teammates.
- Social Profiles: Links to each member's LinkedIn or GitHub.
- Installation & Run: Simple steps to run your project.
- Screenshots/Demo: (Optional) Add images or demo links.
Raise a Pull Request:
- Create a branch and add your folder with files.
- Raise a PR to merge your work.
- We will review and merge if it meets our guidelines.
- Teams can have up to 4 members.
- Every project must have a clear README.
- Include your social media links for networking.
Copy and paste the following as your project README, then update it with your details:
# Project Title
## Description
A brief description of what your project does.
## Tech Stack
- Jetpack Compose
- Android SDK
- [Other tools or libraries]
## Team Members
- **Name 1** – [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yourprofile) | [GitHub](https://github.com/yourprofile)
- **Name 2** – [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yourprofile) | [GitHub](https://github.com/yourprofile)
- **Name 3** – [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yourprofile) | [GitHub](https://github.com/yourprofile)
- **Name 4** – [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yourprofile) | [GitHub](https://github.com/yourprofile)
## Installation & Run
1. **Clone the repo:**
git clone https://github.com/gdg-chennai/hackathon-projects.git
2. **Open in Android Studio:**
- Launch Android Studio
- Select "Open an existing project"
- Navigate to the cloned project directory and click OK
- Wait for the Gradle sync to complete
3. **Run the app:**
- Connect an Android device or start an emulator
- Click the 'Run' button (green play icon) in the toolbar
- Select your device/emulator and click OK
## Minimum Requirements
- Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 or higher
- Minimum SDK: Android 24 (Android 7.0)
- Target SDK: Android 34 (Android 14)
- JDK 17