A swiss army nodejs brute force backtester for Gekko trading bot. Saves time so you can spend more time looking good.
Here's what you can do:
Set multiple history periods
Set multiple candle sizes
Set multiple strategies
Set multiple exchange and trading pairs
Set random ranges for each strategy config
Writes all outputs and strategy configs out into a csv so you can review what strat and related settings are going to make you the most cold hard crypto
Installation: (You can install Bruteforce wherever you like)
git clone https://github.com/gekkowarez/bruteforce.git
cd bruteforce
npm install
Open bruteforce.js and setup paths and configs from line 20. Instructions are in the doc. If you keep the resultCsv path the same make a "results" folder in the same place you installed the repo.
To run:
You must have the Gekko api server running so type the following into a console:
node gekko --ui
Then type the following to run the bruteforce app:
node bruteforce.js
The TOML thing is pretty cool - it takes all the toml files contents, re-writes them into json, then appends them to a Gekko config file. This is pretty awesome for us CLI guys who really don't use the front end but do use Strategy libraries such as the one here: https://github.com/xFFFFF/Gekko-Strategies/