JNovelist is a text management system integrated with Git.
You can use it to write a novel such as "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy.
I specifically used this huge text to test the performance. At some point I even had to completely rewrite the UI.
- open/close a project file (json)
- to create a new project use "Open" and type the name of the file
- export (aggregates the novel text in one window, ready for copy-and-paste)
- Git sync (runs git add, git push in a synchronization dialog)
- preferences (change Look-and-feel, background color, text color, font, font size, border margin)
- additional information (extras that are not part of the novel text, includes: characters, places, artifacts, notes)
- novel consists of parts and chapters (use the add button '+' and right-click to add/remove chapters and parts)
There is no authentication, no clone, no conflict resolution. All of this should be set up and managed using another program or command line.
JNovelist attempts to run git add and git push. If it fails (eg. there is no Internet connection) then the synchronization window is left open allowing you to check the error message and fix the problem.
Using preferences you can select from a number of look-and-feels and set up the text editor the way you like it (almost) .
Java version no less than 1.8 should be installed on your desktop. I haven't tested with other versions though.
Windows users: use JNovelist.exe like I do. You can drag it to the taskbar.
Linux/iOS: use the single jar file that comes with all dependencies. You only need java installed.
No license. Public domain.
FatCow icons: https://www.fatcow.com/free-icons
Favicon generated at: https://favicon.io/favicon-generator/
Favicon font: https://github.com/geniot/jnovelist/blob/master/src/main/resources/images/favicon/about.txt
Look-and-feels: http://www.jtattoo.net/