Helper functions to create charts based on d3.
This library provides some classes and functions for common operations with the d3 library. It let you manage charts as you want.
Simply use it through npm @geoblocks/d3-helper. See the examples for more informations on how to set the basics of your charts.
Class that provides functions to draw, clean and manage a SVG with a chart inside.
- Extends BaseD3ChartSVG.
- Class that provides functions to manage cartesian charts (for bars, scatterplots, lines...)
- Mainly manage the axes of cartesian charts.
- Supported axes data types are: Date, number and text.
The code was only tested on moderns browsers. The source is only transpiled to modern es
If your browser doesn't support the code, PR are welcome (updating your browser too).
git clone
npm install
npm run build
npm run start
Examples are now accessible at http://localhost:1234/
npm run doc
Api doc is now accessible in folder apidoc
npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch
npm run build && npm publish && git push --tags origin master
- Tooltips helpers for data.