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Rewards hub lite stack

The Lite Stack is designed to bootstrap the distribution of rewards on Morpho, providing a streamlined framework for managing and distributing incentives efficiently.


  • Universal Rewards Distributor (URD): A smart contract that facilitates on-chain reward claims securely.
  • apps/subgraph: Indexes all relevant data necessary for reward computation.
  • @morpho-org/blue-rewards-sdk: The core library responsible for reward calculations and processing.
  • packages/cli: A working example demonstrating how to generate Merkle trees for rewards distribution.

Getting Started

1. Deploy the Universal Rewards Distributor

The Universal Rewards Distributor (URD) is the smart contract responsible for handling on-chain reward claims.

You can find the contract codebase here.

As a first step, we strongly encourage you to have the owner of the URD on a SAFE with no updaters.

2. Deploy Subgraph

The subgraph indexes the necessary data to compute rewards and is located in /apps/subgraph.

For detailed instructions on deploying a subgraph, refer to this alchemy docs.

3. Setup Programs

Reward programs define the distribution logic for rewards. There are three types of programs available:

  • Vault & Market programs: Designed to incentivize vault and market through linear reward distribution over a predefined timeline.
  • Airdrop programs: Provide a fixed reward amount to a selected group of users.
import { RewardProgram } from "@morpho-org/blue-rewards-sdk";

export const PROGRAMS: RewardProgram[] = [];

To set up reward programs using an npm package, you can fork this repository.

4. Setup config

Reward configurations define rules that modify reward computations. These include:

  • Blacklisting: Excludes specific addresses from reward calculations.
  • Redirection: Redirects rewards from one address to another (useful for integrators contracts).
  • Tree exclusion: Removes a user from a specific reward tree without altering rewards computation.
import { RewardsConfig } from "@morpho-org/blue-rewards-sdk";

export const CONFIG: RewardsConfig = {
  blacklist: [],
  redirections: [],
  exclusions: [],

5. Compute the trees

A working example of reward tree computation is available in ./packages/cli/src/trees.ts.

To generate reward trees, update trees.ts with your program and config settings, then execute:

yarn cli trees -t 1738886400

Example Output:

Computing trees...

Trees generated at 1738886400

- Tree 0xB5b17231E2C89Ca34CE94B8CB895A9B124BB466e

 Hash: 0x27a452cf8d5a1a4ffa25eaf8a659b233ce3755d102817d30d68ff2b1360687df
 Root: 0x703620cd0ba4bf378979c315f6cf1409cca1278f454d8e31f93c696badb968b3

Sources of data:
- Chain 1:

6. Push the tree onchain

To update the URD contract with the latest Merkle tree, call the following functions:

  • As the Owner or with an updater if timelock is 0: setRoot([root, hash])
  • As an Updater: submitRoot([root, hash])

7. Claim the rewards

Users can claim their rewards by calling the claim function:

claim([account, reward, claimable, proof]);


  • account (address): The user address claiming the rewards.
  • reward (address): The token being claimed.
  • claimable (uint256): The total claimable reward amount for the user & token. It can be found in the Tree at rewards[account][reward].amount. (Note: Claimable includes both unclaimed and already claimed rewards.)
  • proof (bytes32[]): The Merkle proof verifying the claim. This proof path is located in the Merkle tree at rewards[account][reward].proof

See on this tree example:

Note: To get the IPFS CID from the contract hash, you can use the function bytes32ToCid provided by the package @morpho-org/blue-rewards-sdk


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