OpenSCAD Foundation Library (OFL) is a foundation library for OpenSCAD integrating concepts not included natively in the OpenSCAD language and providing an extendible standardized API base.
download and expand the library
modify the OPENSCADPATH Environment Variable to point the lib/ directory of this repo as described in OpenSCAD Library Folder
include the needed library file(s) in your OpenSCAD code like in the following example:
include <OFL/foundation/core.scad>
OFL comes with three major components:
- foundation - the core part re-implementing some of the OpenSCAD native 2d/3d modules while adding new ones;
- vitamins - client vitamin modules leveraging the foundation.
- artifacts - printable artifacts built on top of foundation components and vitamins parts;
Every library component is accessed through a set of verb-based APIs (Common API Template), even third part libraries eventually used internally.
The following libraries, used and distributed internally this project, are not part of OFL:
Each of them can be found in the lib/ project directory together with the release and LICENSE notes provided originally.