This project is a web-based Project Management System built using Django, a Python web framework. It allows users to efficiently manage projects, todolists, tasks, and associated project files.
User Authentication:
- Users can create accounts, log in, and log out to access the system.
Project Management:
- Create, edit, and delete projects.
- View project details and associated information.
Todolist Management:
- Create, edit, and delete todolists within projects.
- Organize tasks under todolists.
Task Management:
- Create, edit, and delete tasks within todolists.
- Efficiently manage task details and status.
Project Files:
- Upload and manage files associated with projects.
- Files are stored in the
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
cd project-management-system
- Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run Migrations:
python migrate
- Run the Development Server:
python runserver
- Access the System:
- Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000/
- Sign up as user to access the application.
- Log in