Writing software to help organize and draft complex documents. Anything from novels and screenplays to legal briefs and graduate theses.
This is a ground-up rewrite of GingkoApp.com. The latest version is available online at gingkowriter.com.
The desktop version (on branch desktop), is currently well behind the web app version. It will eventually be brought up to par, but if you need it now, it's available to download on the releases page (for Linux, Windows, and Mac).
If you want to help translate Gingko Writer, you can join the translation project.
For code contributions, see CONTRIBUTING.md for a guide to getting started.
I can't provide detailed instructions for installing these, because each system is different.
* this dependency will be removed once all user documents are migrated to SQLite DB.
git clone git@github.com:gingko/client.git
git clone git@github.com:gingko/server.git
mkdir data
After this you should have all three directories side-by-side: client, server, and data.
cd client
bun i
cp config-example.js config.js
bun run newwatch
In a new terminal, navigate to the /server
directory, and do the following:
npm i
cp config-example.js config.js
sed -i 's/couchusername/your_couchdb_admin_username/' config.js
sed -i 's/couchpassword/your_couchdb_admin_password/' config.js
npm run build
npm start
Now you should be able to visit http://localhost:3000 and use your local Gingko Writer install.