A javascript utility library for docker and docker-compose, it provides a simple javascript wrapper in order to execute docker commands and an api in order to use Docker with a node server.
npm install --save mydockerjs
to use in your projects.
The library provides :
- docker : a docker js library in order to execute docker commands
- imageMgr : an image util library to retrieve informations about installed docker images and push / pull images
- dockerCompose : a docker compose library to run docker compose commands and parse json objects in yaml docker-compose syntax
If you want to test, to edit or to try example:
git clone https://github.com/giper45/docker-js.git
in examples dir you'll find some example:
cd examples;
node <namejs>
In order to use you should first install docker engine and docker-compose . The library also uses curl .
Version 1.8.0 and later supports the WindowDockerToolbox. In order to use it you've to run node inside the DockerToolbox Virtual Machine, then everything should work.
Windows: There is no support for HyperV Windows 10 Pro version but only Docker Toolbox.
Linux/Mac and docker-remote-API: Library uses the docker remote api version 24 and connects itself to /var/run/docker.sock unix socket. Actually there is no way to change these default parameters
Windows and docker-remote-API: If you're using Docker Toolbox there is an HTTPS connection to manage and certificates are required. Library uses default paths in order to find these parameters:
- Default Docker IP:
- Default Docker listening port: 2376
- Certificates path: %HOMEPATH%/.docker/machine/machines/default
All the api provides a simple syntax with callback function and params options :
function nameF(dependentFunctionParameters, callback, paramsInput)
Some utility function Import:
const du = require('mydockerjs').dockerUtils;
Check if dockerEngine is running:
du.isDockerEngineRunning((err, isRunning) => {
Check if docker-cli / docker-compose commands are installed:
//Docker CLI
du.isDockerCliInstalled((err, isInstalled) => {
du.isDockerCliInstalledSync() //Return true if docker Cli is installed
// Docker COMPOSE
du.isDockerComposeInstalled((err, isInstalled) => {
Import :
const dockerImages = require('mydockerjs').imageMgr
Get images name :
//Get image names
dockerImages.getNames(function(err, json) {
utils.print(err,json)}, {onlytagged:true});
Get detailed list :
//Get detailed list of images in javascript object
dockerImages.getDetailedList(function(err, data) {
Get jsonList:
//Get json list of images
dockerImages.getJSONList(function(err, data) {
utils.print(err, data);
Remove untagged images :
dockerImages.removeUntagged(function(err, data) {
utils.print(err, data);
Each get function receives a callback and a paramsInput
Available options for the paramsInput are :
- onlytagged: if true returns only tagged images
- filterLabel : TBD
Import :
const dockerJS = require('mydockerjs').docker
Get active containers :
dockerJS.ps(function(err, dockerContainers) {
if(err) console.log(err)
else console.log(dockerContainers)
Remove all unactive containers :
dockerJS.rmAll(function(err, data) {
utils.print(err, data)
Run a container :
dockerJS.run('hello-world', function(err, data) {
if(err) {
console.log("Some err:")
else {
run function accept imageName, callback and paramsInput. Available options :
- detached : if true add -d flag to docker run
- cmd : add a command to the end docker run
- name : add a name to running container
Example :
dockerJS.run('daindragon2/debian_useradd', function(err, data) {
if(err) {
console.log("some error");
else {
//Print running containers
dockerJS.ps(function(err, dockerContainers) {
if(err) console.log(err)
else console.log(dockerContainers)
}, {name:"theContainer", detached:true, cmd:'bash'})
Docker exec a command :
dockerJS.exec(nameContainer, command, callback, paramsInput)
Available options :
- detached: if true run the command in detached mode
Stop all containers:
dockerJS.stopAll(function(err, data) {
utils.print(err, data)
Start all containers :
dockerJS.startAll(function(err, data) {
utils.print(err, data)
Create a new network :
var flags = {
driver : 'bridge',
subnet : ''
dockerJS.createNetwork("testRete", function(err, data) {
utils.print(err, data)
}, flags)
Remove network :
var name = 'testRete'
dockerJS.removeNetwork(name, utils.print)
Network prune (destroy all inactive networks) :
Network List :
Get infos about a container :
//Select an existsent container
dockerJS.getInfoContainer(name, utils.print)
To use :
dockerComposer = require('mydockerjs').dockerComposer
The functions follows this convention :
where pathContainingDockerComposeYaml where is located the docker-compose yaml that you want to up / down, callback is called when the docker-compose command finishes , dockerComposeLogF is a function called each time that docker-compose write a newline on the console (docker-compose writes all logs on stderr )
Check if a docker-compose lab is Running :
dockerComposer.isRunning(path, (err, isRunning) => {
if(err) console.log(err);
else if (isRunning) console.log(path+' is running');
else console.log(path+' is not running');
docker-compose up :
dockerComposer.up(pathExample, utils.print, function(dataline) {
docker-compose down:
dockerComposer.down(pathExample, utils.print, function(dataline) {
console.log(dataline) });
docker-compose exec:
const params = { detached: false };
const dockerComposer = require('mydockerjs').dockerComposer;
const processRef = dockerComposer.exec(PATH_DOCKER_COMPOSE, CONTAINER_NAME, COMMAND, (err) => {
}, params, (dataline) => {
docker-compose start : TBD
docker-compose stop : TBD
Eslint with a relaxed version of Airbnb is used for syntax checking (https://github.com/airbnb/javascript ). Look at the .eslintrc for more informations about which rules are turned off. Before to send ant contribute pls check your code with eslint . Use github for any issue or improvement you like.
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- Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Check
- Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
MIT Licensed