Python module to randomly generate waifus' profiles in mass scale.
If you'd like to try out the module with out any installation, I suggest try the Google Colab notebook version first.
You can install directly from PyPi:
pip install aWaifu
Or get the `.whl` from
To run with default options:
python -m aWaifu
First, create a Waifus
from aWaifu.utils import Waifus
waifuGen = Waifus()
You can customize the script's behaviour from your object. Here is a quite self-explained list of options:
numberOfProfiles: int = 10, # number of profiles going to generate
verbose: bool = False, # verbose mode
multiCultures: bool = True, # False: limit to Japanese profiles only
bigWaifu: bool = False, # larger images, with watermark
noProfile: bool = False, # do not generate profiles
noImage: bool = False, # generate profiles without picture
autoCloseImage:bool = True, # automatically close opened images from verbose
faster: bool = False, # do not assert delays between requests
Therefore, the default script actually is:
waifuGen = Waifus(numberOfProfiles=5, verbose=True, bigWaifu=True)
Next, generate the profiles:
The results will be saved to waifus/
directory. Previous results will be overwritten. If you want to save the results to a zip file:
This module is initially a Google Colab Python Notebook, with some added details. Therefore, it's not been carefully developed. Every issue, pull request or suggestion is deeply appreciated.