Batch Burn SSDs/SDs with sdm-gburn
Burn Scripts
Captive Portal
Detailed command and switches description
Cool and useful things you can do with sdm
Cool and useful things: Hotspot
Cool and useful things: User-specific unique SSH key
Cool and useful things: VPN
Custom Phase Script
Description of sdm
Disk Encryption
Disks and Partitions
Example: Burn Multiple Hosts from a Single IMG
Example: Commands
Example: Custom Phase Script
Example: Plugin
Example: Installing Software Following an Installation Guide
sdm FirstBoot Service
First Boot Script and Configuration Information
Hints: sdm Commands
Hints: Configuring Network Manager
Hint: Using sdm on 2022-04-04 and Later IMGs
Installing and Removing sdm
Known Issues
Operating Details
Performance: How Fast is sdm
Programming: Plugins and Custom Phase Scripts
sdm Script Details
Terminal Colors
Troubleshooting: Overview
Upgrading to sdm V9
Upgrading to sdm V8
Using sdm with Docker
Using the lxde plugin
Using the labwc plugin
Using sdm on Windows WSL
Using sdm on an uncustomized system