likes json logs and it helps you to like them too
is a cli program that processes json logs line by line from stdin. Those logs typically come from loggers like logrus, zap, apex or others, that let you write logs as json objects.
Status: logfrog is very young atm and especially the way we filter is most likely going to change. Despite that it already provides a lot of value, when you are trying to make sense of logs.
brew install foomo/logfrog/logfrog
stern -o json -n some-name-space | logfrog -log-type stern
docker-compose logs --no-color -f | logfrog -log-type docker-compose
docker logs some-container 2>&1 | logfrog
tail -f path-to-file.json | logfrog
lets you transform and filter json logs with a javascript function named filter
that must be defined in a .js file that is passed with the ar --js-filter
tail -f path-to-file.json | logfrog --js-filter path/to/filter.js
- the js file is executed with the otto vm https://github.com/robertkrimen/otto
- it has to contain a filter function like the one below
- the file will be reevaluated, when it changes
- this is highly EXPERIMENTAL and we would love to hear back from you
// filter function must be named filter, it will be reloaded if updated
// @param logEntry:{msg?:string;level?:string;time?:string, ...}
// @param service:string only set with -log-type docker-compose or stern
// @return logEntry | null when null is returned this entry is filtered out
function filter(logEntry, service) {
// let us look at the service in this naive docker-compose example I butcher the name
switch (service.substr(0, service.length - 2)) {
case "elasticsearch":
// very minimal log entries for elastic search
return { level: logEntry.level, msg: logEntry.message };
// log entry manipulation
// some date formatting
logEntry.msg = logEntry.msg.substr(0, 256);
logEntry.time = new Date(logEntry.time).toLocaleString();
// trimming a stack
if (logEntry.stack) {
logEntry.stack = logEntry.stack.substr(0, 300) + " ...";
// go crazy and have fun ;)
return logEntry;
This is an initial set of fields, please let us know what we should add.
<- msg, message, Messagelevel
<- level, Leveltime
<- time, timestamp, Timestamp
- ☑️ map more fields
- ☑️ maybe add a web frontend ?!
- ✅ stern mode like docker-compose
- ✅ add hombrew support