glot-www is the website hosted at Code are run through docker-run PostgreSQL is used as the datastore.
glot-www takes its configuration from environment variables. All vars need to be set, no default values are provided.
Variable name | Allowed values | Example | Description |
APPROOT | url | | Base url to where the app is hosted |
PORT | 1-65535 | 3000 | Listen port |
PGHOST | hostname | | Postgresql host |
PGPORT | 1-65535 | 5432 | Postgresql port |
PGUSER | string | glot | Postgresql username |
PGPASS | string | secret-password | Postgresql password |
PGDATABASE | string | glot | Postgresql database name |
DOCKER_RUN_BASE_URL | url | http://docker-server:8088 | Url to docker-run |
DOCKER_RUN_ACCESS_TOKEN | string | some-secret-token | docker-run access token |
DOCKER_RUN_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT | integer | 60 | Seconds to wait for the response |
MAILGUN_DOMAIN | string | | Mailgun domain |
MAILGUN_API_KEY | string | key-1234567890 | Mailgun api key |
ANALYTICS_ID | string | secret-id | Google analytics id (optional) |
DISABLE_ADS | boolean | true | Disable ads (optional) |
git clone
cd glot-www
stack build
git clone
cd glot-www
stack build yesod-bin