- 🧹 Work in the support team at github.com
- 🔭 Interested in parsing log files and converting them to CSV with syslog-to-csv. Getting things automated so we don't have to do them manually (like animals).
- 🔌 Making GitHub's API's a little easier to understand one script at a time using The-Power.
- 🔌 Extracting information from GitHub Audit log exports with DuckDB to create CSV files
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Django & Pandas.
- 💬 Ask me about: Problem solving, reproducing bugs/errors, GitHub API's.
- 📫 How to reach me:
Over the years I've researched or helped others research like:
- York Air Raids A modern twist on the maps and reports held in the York City Archives
- Records of the Corps of Military Police and Royal Military Police