CLI tool to generate solutions for a New York Times Spelling Bee-style puzzle.
Prompts user for letters and prints a list of possible puzzle solutions.
Uses words_alpha.txt from dwly's english-words repo as a source of valid words.
This list contains many words that the official NYT Spelling Bee game does not recognize as valid words.
However, other word lists omit certain valid answers, and it is preferable to generate too many words than too few.
- Make sure you have Go installed
- Clone this repo
- In the project root, run the command
go run .
- Follow the instructions printed to stdout
If you wish to enter your letters as a command line argument (say for redirecting the output to a file) you can run the command
go run . [letters]
with [letters]
replaced with a string of the letters in the puzzle with the required letter first.
No instructions or user prompts are printed to stdout if you run the program in this manner. You will receive only a list of answers. Perfect for redirecting output to a file!