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Fynd Extension React Starter Template


Coverage Status

This repository is the frontend app for Fynd’s extension starter templates. You probably don’t want to use this repository directly, but rather through one of the example templates.

Directory structure

Below is the structure of the project directory along with brief descriptions of the main components:

├── App.jsx                   # The main React component
├──                 # Project documentation
├── dev_embed.js              # Script for embedding in development
├── fdk.ext.config.json       # Configuration file for FDK extension
├── index.html                # Main HTML file
├── index.jsx                 # Entry point for the React application
├── jest.config.mjs           # Jest configuration for unit tests
├── package-lock.json         # Lockfile for npm dependencies
├── package.json              # Project metadata and dependencies
├── pages                     # Page components
│   ├── Home.jsx              # Home page component
│   ├── NotFound.jsx          # 404 Not Found page component
│   └── style                 # Styles for page components
├── public                    # Public assets
├── router.js                 # React Router configuration
├── test                      # Test files and configurations
└── vite.config.js            # Vite configuration file contains the configuration for Vite, including server setup and proxy settings.