- 注册Google App Engine。
- 创建一个应用,完成后打开https://console.cloud.google.com
- 右上角切换到你创建的应用,点击旁边的Active Google Cloud Shell。
- 在弹出来的命令行界面敲下面命令(第三条命令可选):
git clone https://github.com/gonejack/tumblr-images-memcached.git
cd tumblr-images-memcached
nano main.php
(找到$packImages = false改为$packImages = true,按 CTRL+O 保存,CTRL+X 退出编辑)
gcloud app deploy ./app.yaml --promote
- 好,你的服务器完成。访问一下应用的地址(上面命令输出信息中会告诉你的)试试,如果会输出hello信息,就可以去配置IFTTT了。
Server being overload all the time, got to cancel the zip packing for multi-images post, tutorial below for you to build your own server and turn on zip packing.
- Register Google App Engine.
- Create an app, when finished, enter https://console.cloud.google.com.
- Switch to your app at right top corner, click Active Google Cloud Shell.
- On the command line interface:
git clone https://github.com/gonejack/tumblr-images-memcached.git
cd tumblr-images-memcached
nano main.php
(find $packImages = false, edit it to $packImages = true. CTRL+O to save and CTRL+X to exit, then go ahead typing)
gcloud app deploy ./app.yaml --promote
- Go to the URL that command prompted you, if there something like 'hello' shows up, you are good to go for configuring IFTTT.
Contact me with email if you run into trouble.