My own personal taste server implementation with a list of features I use in most of the cases. Instead of developing a server from scratch each project, I start with this one and develop on top of it.
A running server with the latest code can be found here:
Any help would be appreciated!
Feel free to fork, copy, suggest, report issues and create pull requests.
basejs is not a package nor a generator. It's a complete project. Once you clone it, you can edit the configuration files, delete the features you don't require and add your own logic on top of it.
$ git clone
$ cd basejs
$ npm install
$ npm run db all
$ npm start
| |--plugins
| |--schemas
| |--emails
root: Main server and app files.
config: Configuration files.
acl: Definition of access control levels and handlers of routes for access control.
handlers: Handlers of routes both for API calls and web pages. Routes are built by OpenAPI. This is the end of each route where the input is validated and moved into the models and the where the output of the models is transferredd back to json and sent via http to the client.
lib: Wrappers around 3rd party packages to initialize and isolate them. Allows required behavior and replacing of packages without changing project code.
models: Models of resources. Does not have to have a DB collection associated with it. This is where the logic of the model is done and where the data layer is controlled. Can be access by the handlers of the routes or internally.
models schemas: DB Schema and index definitions of each model.
public: Public static files
routes: Automatic routes builder and input verification according to OpenAPI standard. The OpenAPI definition file is located here.
tools: Project tools. For example, initializing the DB schemas and indexes and creating system users.
views: Templates of web pages.
views emails: Templates of emails.
Project was build on top of express which is the most popular framework for Node.js.
Configuration files are located under the config directory. Key features:
- configuration per node environment.
- environment variables override for secrets support.
- local configuration for testing while developing (not uploaded to git).
More info about configuration in config
Using winston logger.
Can be configured under 'log':
- level: log level
- console: true to log to the console
- file: file name to log to or empty to disable file logs
Both console and file can be enabled together.
HTTP requests are logged using morgan and can be configured under 'morgan'.
In most managed servers environments, like heroku or aws, only http is used and the port is set in an environment variable. Should be set in custom-environment-variables.json file to overwrite the port setting under the server configuration.
To breakdown and log outgoing network operations, enable the relevant protocol under log:
- http: true to enable breakdown logs for outgoing http calls
- https: true to enable breakdown logs for outgoing https calls
Can be configured under 'server':
- workers: number of workers to fork. 0 (default) to not use clustering, auto to fork by cpu count.
When using clustering, logger will automatically add worker id to each log message.
Some managed servers, like heroku, set an enviroment variable with the optimum amount of workers to use, calculated by cpu count and available memory. Can be configured in custom-environment-variables.json config file to overwrite the configuration to get optimum performance.
Clustering using throng
API routes are built and exposed in runtime according to the provided OpenAPI definition file. Input is verified and errors are sent back to clients on invalid data. Handlers are the last part of the routes chain and they are called only after validation and authentication have passed successfully. Handlers is where the actual business logic of the route is done.
Can be configured under 'api':
- docs: true to expose a route with the OpenAPI definition
- ui: true to expose a route with the swagger ui tool
Building routes using express-openapi-validator
OpenAPI definition file can be built using Swagger Tools
All log messages coming from the same request will share the same ID in the log message. This is helpful to relate different log messages to one specific request.
Can be configured under 'api':
- id: true to add the unique id per request
IDs created using cls-rtracer
All operations that require DB are done by models. Models usually represent a collection but don't have to. Models expose operations in their interface thus allowing to replace a DB vendor and keeping the code of the server unchanged.
Each DB vendor should have a wrapping lib which exposes a unified interface to connect and exchange data with the DB driver. Using the lib is limited to models and tools. This allows the option to replace DB vendors easily.
Using JWT to authenticate and authorize users. All calls to the server must contain the token or will be considered as a guest. Secrets and TTL can be configured under server.JWT:
- secret: secret to use to sign and verify the token
- accessTTL: life time of access token, default 1 hour
- refreshTTL: life time of refresh token, default to 1 week
Authentication can be done by:
- user credentials
- refresh token
- oauth sign in: facebook, google and apple
Once authenticated the user will get its user id and user role for access control. To log out a user from a device, clients need just to delete the token they got and not use it anymore. A change of password, or calling the logout API will log out the user from all devices: Existing refresh tokens will be expired. Existing access tokens will continue to work even after logout.
User is the identity of a real person. It usually contains credentials, tokens, contact details, billing info and such. Profile is the how the user is seen to other users in the system. The profile contains a virtual sub set of the user information.
Users have roles. Each role defines a set of permissions and restrictions. By default the following roles are defined and can be easily changed:
- guest: unidentified user, can register as a new user and view any resource.
- user: can update its own account and resources and view any resource.
- moderator: same as user + can view any account.
- admin: same as moderator + can update any account and resource.
Only admin can change user role.
Access control is done using accesscontrol
Most collections and models, except system data and users will be resources owned by users. Resource logic is easily made from several plugins and may have its own extra logic. Plugins can be done in model level, like the timestamp plugin on, or in API level like the ownership plugin that limits each user to manage its own resources. All resources share the same access control rules by default, but each can be overwritten. Managing ownership of resources is also available by default and can be removed for resources that should not be movable.
Page views and API calls can be reported to Google analytics. For web page views, both server side and client side reports are supported.
Configuration under 'analytics':
- ua: universal analytics id
- api: true to enable server side API calls reports.
- web: true to enable server side web page views reports.
- client: report from client side.
Server side reports using universal-analytics
ESLint is used with the super strict airbnb coding style. The only exception is line length which is set to 120 characters instead of 80.
The GitHub repository is hooked with travis-ci. Every pull request to master or commit on master will create a new build and run both lint and tests. A successful build will be deployed to heroku.
Checksum calculation and validation and generating uuid.