Motivation for this project is to provide the a Golang module for it can drive all CRUD api of your GORM entities.
Example (gorilla/mux):
r := mux.NewRouter()
gormcrud.MapMux(r, db).
NewMap("/api/v1/author", Author{}, []Author{}).Full().
NewMap("/api/v1/category", Category{}, []Category{}).Full().
NewMap("/api/v1/tag", Tag{}, []Tag{}).Full().
NewMap("/api/v1/note", Note{}, []Note{}).Full()
http.Handle("/", r)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil))
full example mux
Example (Gin Web Framework):
r := gin.Default()
gormcrud.MapGin(r, db).
NewMap("/api/v1/author", Author{}, []Author{}).Full().
NewMap("/api/v1/category", Category{}, []Category{}).Full().
NewMap("/api/v1/tag", Tag{}, []Tag{}).Full().
NewMap("/api/v1/note", Note{}, []Note{}).Full()
full example gin