- add game.IsRunned (#269)
- add Matrix3 (#285)
- add Widget Monitor (#306 #310 #311 #312 goplus/builder#648)
- sprite pivot (#292 #294 #299 goplus/builder#570)
- add default animation & animation binding (#289 goplus/builder#603)
- add animation binding: support "step" (#295)
- animation group issues (#303)
- tutorial and test's monitor config & animation config (#307 #309)
- fix: Strange behavior of OnTouched (#340)
- change Type definition for sprite (#338)
- Introduce SpriteName, SpriteCostumeName, SpriteAnimationName, SoundName, BackdropName, WidgetName (#463)
- list Pos: alias int (#270)
- Stage mode fixed: repeat & fillRatio (#280 goplus/builder#459)
- Simplify process to add & play sound (#279 goplus/builder#443)
- Rename scene(index) property (#281 #284 goplus/builder#456)
- Adjust sound-playing behavior for animation (#290 goplus/builder#604)
- Unify Die behavior of initial / cloned sprite (#329 #333)
- fix: Initial costumeIndex for sprite not working (#322)
- fix: Sprite Glide panics (#321)
- calculate the position of TrackPos based on the non-transparent area (#366)
- reorder func overloads (#467)
- mod: github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/v2 v2.7.9
- mod: github.com/qiniu/x v1.13.10
- mod: golang.org/x/image v0.18.0