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Releases: h2zero/esp-nimble-cpp


28 Feb 21:59
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  • Added back NimBLEClient::connect overload with NimBLEAdvertisedDevice parameter to resolve connection error due to NULL address.
  • Crash caused by returning invalid vector entry when retrieving remote descriptors.


25 Feb 00:55
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  • Crash when calling NimBLEClient::DiscoverAttributes.


  • Conditional macros for logging.
  • NimBLEDeviceCallbacks class with a callback for handling bond storage.


27 Jan 01:32
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  • remote descriptor discovery error when no descriptors exist.
  • scan filter settings not enabled for esp32s3/c3.
  • remote descriptor discovery returning more than the desired descriptor.


13 Jan 02:19
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  • Crash when retrieving descriptors if more than one exists.
  • Incorrect TX power value being advertised.
  • New user guide code for 2.x
  • Potential race condition if `NimBLEScan::clearResults1 is called from multiple tasks.


  • If privacy is not enabled identity keys will not be shared.
  • NimBLEDevice::setPower and NimBLEDevice::getPower now take an additional parameter NimBLETxPowerType to set/get the power level for different operations.


  • Config option CONFIG_NIMBLE_CPP_ADDR_FMT_EXCLUDE_DELIMITER, if defined will remove the ":" delimiter from the BLE address string.
  • Config option CONFIG_NIMBLE_CPP_ADDR_FMT_UPPERCASE if defined will make the BLE address strings uppercase.


05 Jan 22:21
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What's Changed

  • Add missing NimBLEUtils and NimBLEConnInfo includes to NimBLEDevice.h by @h2zero in #268
  • Fix crash that could occur when server receives reconnection from client by @finger563 in #271
  • NimBLELog allow custom log level colors. by @thekurtovic in #267
  • Fix compile error for advertiser only config. by @h2zero in #273
  • NimBLEScan increment m_callbackSent before callback. by @thekurtovic in #278
  • Fix build error when using platformio library by @h2zero in #276
  • Add checks in case NIMBLE_CPP_DEBUG_ASSERT is not defined. by @thekurtovic in #280

Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.3


22 Dec 00:07
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  • Compile error when only advertising role is enabled.
  • Possible crash if bonded client reconnects.


  • NimBLEHIDDevice can now create more than one in/out/feature report map.


17 Dec 01:50
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  • NimBLEHIDDevice::getOutputReport will now return the correct characteristic.
  • Compile error when central is disabled, class NimBLEServer has no member named m_pClient.


  • Added missing includes for NimBLEConnInfo and NimBLEUtils to NimBLEDevice.h.


15 Dec 00:45
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Finally! A new release with something more than a bugfix or some minor additions!

I'm excited to present this release properly after the unfortunate Arduino Library Manager debacle 🎉.

This was a complete overhaul of the codebase, every file as been touched up and some completely re-designed, removed, added, or changed significantly. This required A LOT of changes, many will break your current application code, but don't worry, it will be much better!

This release has so much in it!


  • Reduced the code size by over 40KB.
  • Significant reduction in memory use.
  • Huge performance boost.
  • Asynchronous client connect, MTU exchange, and secure connection options to speed up the connecting process.
  • Asynchronous passkey entry/confirmation so the client/server can have time to properly display/enter the passkey before action is performed.
  • Scan restart option to clear the duplicate cache so the same devices will be found again.
  • New scan callbacks class with extra functions that will get called on first discovery, before and scan response data is received.
  • Ability to update advertised data while advertising.
  • Improved support for dynamically changing services/characteristics/descriptors.
  • Simplified code for easier maintenance and understanding for contributors.

Full Changelog

Breaking changes

  • All connection oriented callbacks now receive a reference to NimBLEConnInfo, the ble_gap_conn_desc has also been replace with NimBLEConnInfo in the functions that received it.
  • All functions that take a time input parameter now expect the value to be in milliseconds instead of seconds.
  • Removed Eddystone URL as it has been shutdown by google since 2021.
  • NimBLESecurity class removed.
  • NimBLEDevice Ignore list functions removed.
  • NimBLEDevice::startSecurity now returns a bool, true on success, instead of an int to be consistent with the rest of the library.
  • NimBLEDevice::getInitialized renamed to NimBLEDevice::isInitialized.
  • NimBLEDevice::setPower no longer takes the esp_power_level_t and esp_ble_power_type_t, instead only an integer value in dbm units is accepted.
  • NimBLEDevice::setOwnAddrType no longer takes a bool nrpa parameter.
  • NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize replaced with NimBLEDevice::getCreatedClientCount.
  • NimBLEDevice::getClientList was removed.
  • NimBLEServer::disconnect now returns bool, true = success, instead of int to be consistent with the rest of the library.
  • NimBLEServerCallbacks::onMTUChanged renamed to NimBLEServerCallbacks::onMTUChange to be consistent with the client callback.
  • NimBLEServer::getPeerIDInfo renamed to NimBLEServer::getPeerInfoByHandle to better describe it's use.
  • NimBLEServerCallbacks::onPassKeyRequest has been replaced with NimBLEServer::onPassKeyDisplay which should display the pairing pin that the client is expected to send.
  • NimBLEServerCallbacks::onAuthenticationComplete now takes a NimBLEConnInfo& parameter.
  • NimBLEClient::getServices now returns a const reference to std::vector<NimBLERemoteService*> instead of a pointer to the internal vector.
  • NimBLEClient::getConnId has been renamed to getConnHandle to be consistent with bluetooth terminology.
  • NimBLEClient::disconnect now returns a bool, true on success, instead of an int to be consistent with the rest of the library.
  • NimBLEClientCallbacks::onDisconnect now takes an additional int reason parameter to let the application know why the disconnect occurred.
  • NimBLEClientCallbacks::onPassKeyRequest has been changed to NimBLEClientCallbacks::onPassKeyEntry which takes a NimBLEConnInfo& parameter and does not return a value. Instead or returning a value this callback should prompt a user to enter a pin number which is sent later via NimBLEDevice::injectPassKey.
  • NimBLEClientCallbacks::onConfirmPIN renamed to NimBLEClientCallbacks::onConfirmPasskey and no longer returns a value and now takes a NimBLEConnInfo& parameter. This should be used to prompt a user to confirm the pin on the display (YES/NO) after which the response should be sent with NimBLEDevice::injectConfirmPasskey.
  • NimBLEAdvertising::setMinPreferred and NimBLEAdvertising::setMaxPreferred have been removed, use NimBLEAdvertising::setPreferredParams instead.
  • Advertising the name and TX power of the device will no longer happen by default and should be set manually by the application.
  • NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisementType has been renamed to NimBLEAdvertising::setConnectableMode to better reflect it's function.
  • NimBLEAdvertising::setScanResponse has been renamed to NimBLEAdvertising::enableScanResponse to better reflect it's function.
  • NimBLEAdvertising; Scan response is no longer enabled by default.
  • NimBLEAdvertising::start No longer takes a callback pointer parameter, instead the new method NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisingCompleteCallback should be used.
  • NimBLEAdvertisementData::addData now takes either a std::vector<uint8_t> or uint8_t* + length instead of std::string or char + length.
  • NimBLEAdvertisementData::getPayload now returns std::vector<uint8_t> instead of std::string.
  • The callback parameter for NimBLEScan::start has been removed and the blocking overload of NimBLEScan::start has been replaced by an overload of NimBLEScan::getResults with the same parameters.
  • NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks Has been replaced by NimBLEScanCallbacks which contains the following methods: onResult, onScanEnd, and `onDiscovered
    • NimBLEScanCallbacks::onResult, functions the same as the old NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks::onResult but now takes aa const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* instead of non-const.
    • NimBLEScanCallbacks::onScanEnd, replaces the scanEnded callback passed to NimBLEScan::start and now takes a const NimBLEScanResults& and int reason parameter.
    • NimBLEScanCallbacks::onDiscovered, This is called immediately when a device is first scanned, before any scan response data is available and takes a const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* parameter.
  • NimBLEScan::stop will no longer call the onScanEnd callback as the caller should know its been stopped when this is called.
  • NimBLEScan::clearDuplicateCache has been removed as it was problematic and only for the esp32. Stop and start the scanner for the same effect.
  • NimBLEScanResults::getDevice methods now return const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice*.
  • NimBLEScanResults iterators are now const_iterator.
  • NimBLEAdvertisedDevice::hasRSSI removed as redundant, RSSI is always available.
  • NimBLEAdvertisedDevice::getPayload now returns const std::vector<uint8_t> instead of a pointer to internal memory.
  • NimBLEAdvertisedDevice Timestamp removed, if needed then the app should track the time from the callback.
  • NimBLECharacteristic::notify no longer takes a bool is_notification parameter, instead indicate() should be called to send indications.
  • NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks::onNotify removed as unnecessary, the library does not call notify without app input.
  • NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks::onStatus No longer takes a status parameter, refer to the return code for success/failure.
  • NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getRemoteService now returns a const NimBLERemoteService* instead of non-const.
  • NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt32 Has been removed.
  • NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt16 Has been removed.
  • NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt8 Has been removed.
  • NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readFloat Has been removed.
  • NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::registerForNotify Has been removed.
  • NimBLERemoteService::getCharacteristics now returns a const std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic*>& instead of non-const std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic*>*.
  • NimBLERemoteService::getValue now returns NimBLEAttValue instead of std::string.
  • NimBLEService::getCharacteristics now returns a const std::vector<NimBLECharacteristic*>& instead of std::vector<NimBLECharacteristic *>.
  • NimBLEUUID::getNative method replaced with NimBLEUUID::getBase which returns a read-only pointer to the underlying ble_uuid_t struct.
  • NimBLEUUID; msbFirst parameter has been removed from constructor, caller should reverse the data first or call the new reverseByteOrder method after.
  • NimBLEAddress constructor; default value for the type parameter removed, caller should know the address type and specify it.
  • NimBLEAddress::getNative replaced with NimBLEAddress::getBase and now returns a pointer to const ble_addr_t instead of a pointer to the address value.
  • NimBLEAddress::equals method and NimBLEAddress::== operator will now also test if the address types are the same.
  • NimBLEUtils::dumpGapEvent function removed.
  • NimBLEUtils::buildHexData replaced with NimBLEUtils::dataToHexString, which returns a std::string containing the hex string.
  • NimBLEEddystoneTLM::setTemp now takes an int16_t parameter instead of float to be friendly to devices without floating point support.
  • NimBLEEddystoneTLM::getTemp now returns int16_t to work with devices that don't have floating point support.
  • NimBLEEddystoneTLM::setData now takes a reference to * NimBLEEddystoneTLM::BeaconData instead of std::string.
  • NimBLEEddystoneTLM::getData now returns a reference to * NimBLEEddystoneTLM::BeaconData instead of std::string.
  • NimBLEBeacon::setData now takes const NimBLEBeacon::BeaconData& instead of std::string.
  • NimBLEBeacon::getData now returns const NimBLEBeacon::BeaconData& instead of std::string.
  • NimBLEHIDDevice::reportMap renamed to NimBLEHIDDevice::getReportMap.
  • NimBLEHIDDevice::hidControl renamed to NimBLEHIDDevice::getHidControl.
  • NimBLEHIDDevice::inputReportrenamed to NimBLEHIDDevice::getInputReport.
  • `NimBLEHIDDevice::out...
Read more


30 Oct 17:18
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  • NimBLEDevice::getPower incorrect value when power level is -3db.
  • Failed pairing when already in progress.


  • Revert previous change that forced writing with response when subscribing in favor of allowing the application to decide.


  • Added NimBLEHIDDevice::batteryLevel.
  • Added NimBLEDevice::setDeviceName allowing for changing the device name while the BLE stack is active.
  • CI Builds


31 Jul 17:36
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  • Fixed missing data from long notification values.
  • Fixed NimbleCharacteristicCallbacks::onRead not being called when a non-long read command is received.
  • Prevent a potential crash when retrieving characteristics from a service if the result was successful but no characteristics found.
  • logs/typos.


  • AD flags are no longer set in the advertisements of non-connectable beacons, freeing up 3 bytes of advertisement room.
  • Save resources when retrieving descriptors if the characteristic handle is the same as the end handle (no descriptors).
  • Subscribing to characteristic notifications/indications will now always use write with response, as per BLE specifications.
  • NimBLEClient::discoverAttributes now returns a bool value to indicate success/failure.
  • Scan result callbacks are no longer called when the scan response data is updated in order to reduce duplicates.


  • Preliminary support for non-esp devices, NRF51 and NRF52 devices supported with n-able arduino core
  • Alias added for NimBLEServerCallbacks::onMTUChange to onMtuChanged in order to support porting code from original library.
  • NimBLEAttValue Class added to reduce and control RAM footprint of characteristic/descriptor values and support conversions from Arduino Strings and many other data types.
  • Bluetooth 5 extended advertising support for capable devices. CODED Phy, 2M Phy, extended advertising data, and multi-advertising are supported, periodic advertising will be implemented in the future.