Hacking Thursday 是由幾位居住於台北地區的自由軟體/開放原碼開發者所發起,每週四晚上會於特定咖啡店聚會。以非會議形式、交換並實做各自提出的想法,輕鬆的會議過程以禮貌、謙遜與尊重的互信態度接納並鼓勵概念發想、發起新計畫、並從開發者的協同開發與經驗分享中互相學習。聚會十分的隨性,不時產生下列分散的行為:
- 討論 網站設計, 電腦網路, 程式設計以及作業系統 ...
- 交流 軟硬體工具和使用技巧
- 八卦
Hacking Thursday is initiated by a group of free-software/open-source developers who reside in Taipei. They gather every Thursday evening at a specific coffee shop. In a non-meeting format, they exchange and implement their own ideas, with a relaxed meeting process that accepts and encourages conceptual thinking, new project initiation, and learning from each other through collaborative development and experience sharing. The meetings are very casual, and may occasionally result in the following dispersed behaviors:
- Discussion of web, network, programming, system ...
- Exchange of system tools and usage techniques
- Gossiping
The attendees of the gathering are both listeners and potentially lighting talk speakers.
Social media | URL | QRCode |
https://discord.gg/s6sKDcEB95 | ||
https://t.me/hackingday | ||
https://www.facebook.com/groups/hackingthursday | ||
https://pad.hackingthursday.org | ||
https://matrix.to/#/#hackingthursday:matrix.org |
Resources | URL |
Website | https://www.hackingthursday.org |
GitHub | https://github.com/hacking-thursday |
HackMD | https://hackmd.io/@h4 |
Meetup | https://www.meetup.com/hackingthursday |
Mailing list | https://groups.google.com/group/hackingthursday |
- 時間(Time): 每週四晚上 19:30 至 22:00 (every Thursday, GMT+8)
- 地點(Location): O'tree Cafe , 歐樹咖啡(中山區)
- 地址(Address): 台北市中山區民權東路一段56號
(Between MRT O-10/Minquan W. Rd. and 0-11/Zhongshan Elementary School)
- 費用: 最低消費為一杯飲料 (Minimum cost: one drink per guest)
- 設施: 有 WiFi ,電源插座。
- 備註: 自行點餐入座,跟店員說是"參加H4聚會"即可
若來訪路上需要協助,都歡迎在 Discord/Telegram 即時線上發問。
The newcomers are welcome to ask about the talk in Our Discord and Telegram.
- 給新訪客 (For newcomer): https://www.hackingthursday.org/intro_for_newbie
- 參與者公約 (Code of Conduct): https://www.hackingthursday.org/coc
我們這裡沒有固定主題,而是參與者“自帶主題”。 大家會邊吃邊聊最近玩了那些東西,自由交流心得跟經驗。