Releases: hackthedev/remotepifm
Release 2.4.3
This update includes some of the features found here (= "Planned Features"). If you want to know in detail what has changed, look over there.
- Added new Activity which will display stored connections. Connections are being automatically saved after successful connection.
- Reworked Status Label System again
- Changed min. API Level from 16 to 26
- When Clicking Github Label Text Chrome will open now
New Activity - Saved Connections
Release 1.3.3
If you're wondering where the release of 1.2.2 is: It had a really bad bug which lead to the action to completely recode a specific code block, and now it is working : ) and since i made some other updates too i "skipped" v1.2.2 and used v1.3.3 instead. v1.2.2 was so unstable that is couldn't be released yesterday.
Fixed File List from overlapping Frequency Text field and top area containing the label and upload icon by adding empty image view controls. See example.
Changed Style main color to black (see screenshots below)
Reworked and fixed code for file converting
Fixed bug where file upload is canceled due to Thread error
Disabled Nightmode in App (Styling issue related, custom darkmode will be added)
Updated File Chooser
Fixed app crash when choosing file from different location (Uri Content Error)
Reworked Status Label (still not 100% perfect)
Moved "Test Connection" Button up a little bit so you can press it while keyboard is still active (convenience reasons)
- Centered "Convert" Button : )
Planned Features
- Save Connections you were once connected to
- Add "+" Button for Adding new Connections
- Setup-Button (= Auto-Installer)
- Rework file converting code to only convert non-existing .wav files (= faster)
- Delete Saved connections
I'll try my best to add these new features as fast as possible. I really love working on this project ^^
If you want to download the app click on "app-release.apk" below. You have to have "Unknown Sources" to be enabled, or wait until my submission was approved on Google Play Store
Release 1.1.1
This is my second release, although it wasn't published on Github, I submitted a slightly older version on Google Play Store (undergoing review though).
Compared to the older version, the "Convert" Button is now working. Lets continue with the changelog 💯
- Fixed Convert Button
- Added little feature that ignores spaces in the "IP Adress" text field (when copying IP Adress you might copy a space character too)
- Added "Status" Label so that users don't think the app is hanging (converting is all done on the Raspi so app is basically idle)
- Added visual fix when typing in frequency where the text field would overlap with the list of files
- Added Upload Button (implemented but disabled, would crash app otherwise; Fix in future updates)
- Some Style Updates
- Tried to center "Convert" Button, but missed it very closely. Fix in feature Update
If you want to download the app click on "app-release.apk" below. You have to have "Unknown Sources" to be enabled, or wait until my submission was approved on Google Play Store