Explore exclusive job opportunities in the Bangka Belitung region. Take your first step toward the future!
Bangka Hire is a comprehensive job search and recruitment solution for Bangka Belitung region, designed to connect job seekers with opportunities that match their skills and preferences. Whether you're looking for a job in a specific industry, searching by salary range, or targeting a particular company, our advanced filtering system makes the process seamless.
- Searching for all available job vacancies.
- Searching for more specific job vacancies based on several categories, such as job position, salary range, company name, and job location.
- Company reviews with a rating and comment system.
- Apply for jobs by entering your name, email, WhatsApp number, and the latest CV.
- Job vacancy management and applicant CV review for job providers.
- Sign-up and login options using Google for user convenience.
- Haikel Ilham Hakim
- Evan Stefanus Candra
- Taufik Hidayat
- Julisa Nomirga
├── prisma # Prisma
│ ├── migrations
│ └── schema.prisma
│ ├── assets
├── public # Images and assets
│ ├── docs
│ └── images
├── README.md
├── src
│ ├── app # Main Pages
│ │ ├── api #API Logic
│ │ │ ├── admin
│ │ │ ├── auth
│ │ │ ├── get-user
│ │ │ ├── job-applicant
│ │ │ ├── jobs
│ │ │ ├── job-vacancy-provider
│ │ │ └── uploadthing
│ │ ├── (auth)
│ │ │ └── auth
│ │ ├── (dashboard)
│ │ │ └── dashboard
│ │ ├── (job-applicant)
│ │ │ └── jobs
│ │ ├── (job-vacancy-provider)
│ │ │ └── job-vacancy-providers
│ │ └── profile
│ ├── components # Shared, customizable, and reusable components
│ │ ├── auth
│ │ ├── common
│ │ ├── dashboard
│ │ │ └── admin
│ │ ├── job-applicant
│ │ ├── jobs
│ │ ├── job-vacancy-provider
│ │ ├── react-query
│ │ └── ui
│ ├── hooks # Custom hooks
│ ├── lib # Utilities
│ │ └── schemas
│ ├── services # HTTP Request logic
│ ├── store # Jotai store
│ └── types # Typescript types
└── tsconfig.json
- Next JS 15 app directory
- Tailwind CSS with shadcn/ui
- Framer Motion
- Jotai
- Supabase
- Prisma
- Biome for code formatting.
- Sentry for error monitoring.
- Vercel for Deployment Website.
- Cloudflare Domain.
- Uploadthing for handling upload document.
1️⃣ Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/haikelz/bangka-hire.git
cd bangka-hire
2️⃣ Install Dependencies
Make sure you have Node.js and Docker installed. Then install dependencies with:
npm install
3️⃣ Setup Environment Variables
Create a .env file in the root directory:
🐳 Running with Docker
🔹 1. Build the Docker Image
docker build -t bangka-hire-app .
🔹 2. Run the Application
docker run -p 3000:3000 bangka-hire-app
📦 Running Database Migrations
If using Prisma, apply migrations inside the container:
docker exec -it <container_id> npx prisma migrate dev
🧪 Running Tests
Run the test suite inside the container:
docker exec -