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Odeum is a simple iOS Video player library with basic control


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Odeum is a simple iOS Video player library with basic control

build test SwiftPM Compatible Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • Swift 5.0 or higher
  • iOS 10.0 or higher



Odeum is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Odeum'

Swift Package Manager from XCode

  • Add it using XCode menu File > Swift Package > Add Package Dependency
  • Add as Swift Package URL
  • Set rules at version, with Up to Next Major option and put 1.2.8 as its version
  • Click next and wait

Swift Package Manager from Package.swift

Add as your target dependency in Package.swift

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.2.8"))

Use it in your target as Odeum

    name: "MyModule",
    dependencies: ["Odeum"]


Nayanda Haberty,


Odeum is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Using Odeum is very easy. You could see the sample project or just read this documentation.

Since odeum player is subclass of UIView. adding player is same like adding simple UIView:

var odeumPlayer = OdeumPlayerView()

Is up to you how you want it to be framed, using NSLayoutConstraints or by manually framing it.

You could also add it using storyboard or XIB. Just use UIView and set its CustomClass to be OdeumPlayerView.

To play the player, just add URL: myURL)

there are methods to manipulate video playing in odeum:

  • func set(url: URL) to set url but not automatically play the video
  • func play() to play the video if video is ready to play
  • func play(url: URL) to set url and automatically play it if video is ready
  • func pause() to pause the video
  • func set(mute: Bool) to mute or unmute the video
  • func forward(by second: TimeInterval) -> Bool to forward a video by given TimeInterval
  • func replay(by second: TimeInterval) -> Bool to rewind a video by given TimeInterval
  • func goFullScreen() to go to full screen
  • func dismissFullScreen() to dismiss full screen
  • func removeVideo() to stop and remove video from video player

All those functions will run automatically on the player control hover buttons


You could observe event and control tap behavior in the OdeumPlayerView by give them delegate:

public protocol OdeumPlayerViewDelegate: class {
    func odeumDidPlayVideo(_ player: OdeumPlayerView)
    func odeumDidPauseVideo(_ player: OdeumPlayerView)
    func odeumViewControllerToPresentFullScreen(_ player: OdeumPlayerView) -> UIViewController
    func odeumDidGoToFullScreen(_ player: OdeumPlayerView)
    func odeumDidDismissFullScreen(_ player: OdeumPlayerView)
    func odeumDidMuted(_ player: OdeumPlayerView)
    func odeumDidUnmuted(_ player: OdeumPlayerView)
    func odeum(_ player: OdeumPlayerView, forwardedBy interval: TimeInterval)
    func odeum(_ player: OdeumPlayerView, rewindedBy interval: TimeInterval)
    func odeumDidBuffering(_ player: OdeumPlayerView)
    func odeumDidFinishedBuffering(_ player: OdeumPlayerView)
    func odeum(_ player: OdeumPlayerView, progressingBy percent: Double)
    func odeum(_ player: OdeumPlayerView, shouldShowOnTapWhen appearance: OdeumPlayerView.ControlAppearanceState) -> Bool
    func odeum(_ player: OdeumPlayerView, shouLdHideOnTapWhen appearance: OdeumPlayerView.ControlAppearanceState) -> Bool

All the methods are optional


If the user taps the video player, it will show PlayerControlView which will control how the video will be played in OdeumPlayerView. You could also change the icon of the PlayerControlView:

odeumPlayer.playerControl.set(icon: myIcon, for: ReplayStep.fiveSecond)

the states are:

public enum PlayState {
    case played
    case paused

public enum AudioState {
    case mute
    case unmute

public enum ReplayStep {
    case fiveSecond
    case tenSecond
    case thirtySecond

public enum ForwardStep {
    case fiveSecond
    case tenSecond
    case thirtySecond

public enum FullScreenState {
    case fullScreen
    case minimize

To change the replay step and audio state time interval, you could assign it directly on playerControl:

odeumPlayer.playerControl.forwardStep = .thirtySecond
odeumPlayer.playerControl.replayStep = .thirtySecond


You know how, just clone and do pull request