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Testing project for DataPlane CLI

Aruba-RSpec Test Framework for DataPlane CLI. The aruba test project is located at /tests folder.

Local development setup

  1. make deps
  2. source /Users/$USER/.rvm/scripts/rvm
    • More info about RVM install at
    • "To start using RVM you need to source your .rvm/scripts/rvm in all your open shell windows, in rare cases you need to reopen all shell windows."

Create new test cases

Test cases use command_builder and command_helper to run the DP CLI commands. So you do not need to add exact cli commands in test cases, for example:“test”).build

You can use the builds method to hide sensitive data in the generated report file:['OS_V2_USERNAME']).

Run tests on your local machine

Run a specific test, for example:

rspec spec/integration/credential.rb

Run all tests:

rspec spec/integration/*.rb

Run all tests with formatted HTML test reports:

rspec -f RspecJunitFormatter -o test-results/rspec/test-result.xml -f h spec/integration/*.rb | tee test-results/rspec/test-result.html | ruby -n spec/common/integration_formatter.rb

Run tests in Docker container

Your Docker Machine has to be up and running before step forward.

Integration testing

You can find the related Make target at DP-CLI Makefile

make integration-test

Or you can use the test project own Make target at Tests Makefile

make all

You can check test results at tests/test-results/rspec/test-result.html or tests/test-results/rspec/test-result.xml

Run a specific test scenario

CLI_TEST_FILES=spec/integration/credential.rb make integration-test'


We created a CBD Mock for DP-CLI Integration testing purposes. This is a JavaScript base Swagger mock for CBD.

You can use CBD mock with the help of Make targets at Tests Makefile.

You can start, stop or restart the CBD Mock step-by-step if you would like with the help of the following make targets:

  • Download S3: Download the versioned Swagger Json file from out AWS S3 bucket

    make download-s3

  • Start mock: Start CBD mock for DP-CLI based on the downloaded Swagger Json

    make start-mock

  • Stop mock: Kill all the CBD mock related containers

    make stop-mock

  • Restart mock: Kill all the CBD mock containers then start these again based on the existing swagger.json

    make restart-mock