Note that you don't need to split long lines into shorter ones. The many manual line breaks inside paragraphs is an artifact of the Wiki conversion.
Use <
for < characters and >
for > characters, otherwise the formatting engine can mistake them for HTML tags.
>give <object> to <person>
>give <object> to <person>
If you're making code blocks by indenting the code with 4 spaces, you need an empty HTML comment (<!-- -->
) between the list item and the code. Otherwise the code is considered normal text and part of the previous list item.
* Blah blah
* Blah blah blah
<!-- -->
this.codeblock is formatted.correctly()
Add page metadata at the start of the .md file:
title: Page Title
permalink: /url/to/page/
- One
- Two
- Three
Remember to add both leading and trailing /
to the URL.
Escape special characters with a backslash, e.g.
title: \#include
Add image files to the assets/images directory and display them with

Use >
to make it a blockquote. Add two spaces at the end of a line to force a line break.
>Location title (<-- two spaces at the end)
>Example room description.
>>x me
Add the new category to _pages/ with the following format:
## Name
Description of the category.
{% include name="Name" %}
(where Name
is the name of the new category)
If you want to show an internal table of contents in a long article, add the following lines to the page's header:
toc: true
toc_label: Title shown on the TOC
See the Category Index for an example.
Hidden spoilers
<summary>Show answer</summary>
Bruce Willis was Luke's father the whole time
For internal links to page chapters you need to include {{page.url}}
at the start of the link:
[link label]({{page.url}}#headerID)
The header id is the header text in lowercase, non-alphanumeric characters removed, spaces replaced with dashes ("My Header" -> "#my-header")
To make a page wider, add this to the header:
classes: wide
Note that if the page has a table of contents it'll be shown at the start of the page.
If you want to see how the pages look on your own computer before committing changes to the actual web site, install Jekyll and run:
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload --incremental
While the local server is running:
npx broken-link-checker http://localhost:4000 -ro --exclude="ifdb"