To install dependencies:
bun install
To run:
bun run src/main.ts
- get bun build working
- package bot
- publish package to GHCR
- host on infra
- Reset: * this will be done closer to hand-over
- remove every occurance of course rep role
- remove every occurance of paid member role
- Embeds:
- Move all embeds into one command with subcommands
- add a button to the paid member post that opens up a form
- add button to coc embed to give people the paid member role
- Socs: Add links to other socs that we are friends with
- Links: Provide Useful links and resources
- Ping: Returns the latency of the bot (mostly for util purposes)
- If a member who hasnt agreed to code of conduct sends a message, delete it and get em to sign