Reactive micro-modular UI framework. Very simple, but very powerful!
- Features
- Review
- Quick start
- Tutorials
- Rationale
- Modules
- Usage from NPM
- Contributors
- Cool stuff
- Donate
- Zero configuration. Just checkout and use it.
- Lazy rendering/evaluating/loading etc.
- Full reactivity in all application layers. Not only between View and ViewModel.
- Automatic dependency tracking between reactive containers. No need to manual publish/subscribe/unsubscribe and streams routing.
- Effective state synchronization in right way.
- Automatic inclusion of modules in package at compile time. No need for manually importing or installing them. Just use it.
- Very small modules. All of them are optional.
- Cross platform. Support any environment (NodeJS, Web browsers, Cordova).
- Static typing (TypeScript). Full IDE support.
- Full customization. No hidden implementation. All aspects are overridable.
- Lifecycle management. Automatic destruction of unnecessary objects.
- Easy debugging. User friendly id's of all objects. Quick access to all objects from console.
- Easy user friendly logging of all state changes.
- Pseudosynchronous code. Asynchrony is abstracted by reactivity. No callbacks/promises/streams hell. No async/await/yield virus.
- Automatic BEM-attributes generation for elements.
- $mol — лучшее средство от геморроя - Quick introduction to $mol
- $mol: реактивный микромодульный фреймворк - First introduction to $mol
- $mol: 4 года спустя - State of $mol after 4 years
The easiest way is to checkout this preconfigured MAM repository and start a dev server:
git clone ./mam && cd mam
npm install && npm start
- Use MAM directory as root of your project in editor
- Install VScode intellisense plugin for *.view.tree files
- Install plugin for *.tree files
- Install .editorconfig plugin or use these preferences: TABs for indents, LF for line endings.
The following example uses the namespace "my" and the application name "hello", but you can use your own namespace and application name.
Let's create a component that allows you to enter your name and display greeting text: "Hello, " + your name.
You need to create next files:
- ./my/hello/index.html - Web entry point
- ./my/hello/hello.view.tree - Declarative component description
- ./my/hello/hello.view.ts - Behaviour/User interface logic
- ./my/hello/hello.test.ts - Tests
- ./my/hello/hello.view.css - Styles
Add web entry point at ./my/hello/index.html
<!doctype html> <!-- Disable quirks mode -->
<html mol_view_root> <!-- Reset root styles -->
<meta charset="utf-8" /> <!-- Force utf-8 encoding -->
content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1"
/> <!-- Disable mobile browser auto zoom, $mol is adaptive -->
<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <!-- Fullscreen support -->
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<body mol_view_root> <!-- Reset root styles -->
<div mol_view_root="$my_hello"></div> <!-- Autobind component to element on load -->
<script src="web.js"></script> <!-- Load autogenerated js bundle -->
Your application will be served at http://localhost:9080/my/hello/
. Open it. You should refresh page to view your changes.
Add declarative component description at ./my/hello/hello.view.tree
with string input field and greeting message:
$my_hello $mol_view
sub /
<= Name $mol_string
hint \Name
value? <=> name? \
<= message \
Add your behaviour at ./my/hello/hello.view.ts
by extending generated class:
namespace $.$$ {
export class $my_hello extends $.$my_hello {
message() {
let name =
return name && `Hello, ${name}!`
Add tests for your behaviour at ./my/hello/hello.test.ts
namespace $.$$ {
'Generating greeting message'() {
const app = new $my_hello
$mol_assert_equal( app.message() , '' ) 'Jin' )
$mol_assert_equal( app.message() , 'Hello, Jin!' )
Add styles at ./my/hello/hello.view.css
/* Styling BEM-block by autogenerated attribute */
[my_hello] {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
font: 1.5rem/1 sans-serif;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--mol_theme_line);
flex: 1 1 auto;
align-self: stretch;
margin: 0;
/* Styling BEM-element by autogenerated attribute */
[my_hello_name] {
flex-grow: 0;
margin: 1rem;
width: 14rem;
- Путь друкона - учебный курс
- $mol_app_calc: вечеринка электронных таблиц
- $hyoo_bench: готовим JS бенчмарки быстро и просто
- $mol_app_habhub: чтение статей с GitHub
Instead of ensuring configurability by any means, $mol concentrates on everything working good directly out of the box and does not bother $mol's developer by a typical configuration process. (Nevertheless, this doesn't exclude setup for your needs if required)
For example if you download base MAM-project you'll get this:
Building of JS and CSS bundles for different platforms. A bundle can be built for any module. This bundle would contain sources of that module and sources of all other modules on which that module depends on. There also would not be any redundant modules in the bundle.
Here is a full set of supported bundles:
- JS for browser-/web.d.ts
- TypeScript definitions-/web.test.js
- JS with tests for a browser-/web.deps.json
- map of dependencies modules for browser-/web.locale=en.json
- strings pulled from*.view.tree
- JS for NodeJS-/node.test.js
- JS with tests for NodeJS-/node.deps.json
- a map of dependencies modules for NodeJS
Support of Source Maps. Sources are compiled and integrated into maps, they are fully self-sufficient.
Development server, which compiles bundles as needed. For example, when http://localhost:9080/hyoo/todomvc/-/web.js
is requested, the js
bundle is built from hyoo/todomvc
for web
environment. Rebuilding occurs only if any source files are changed.
Transpilling TypeScript into JS.
In TS configuration enabled support decorators and disabled implicit any
type, to prevent missing typing by change.
Watching dependencies by fact of using and automatic inclusion of the needed modules on further bundling. You don't need to write include
and require
. All you need is to refer instance by full name like $mol_state_arg
and $mol.state.arg
(depending on its definition) in *.ts
, *.view.ts
, *.view.tree
and *.jam.js
files. Dependencies in CSS files are looked for by entries like [mol_check_checked]
, [mol_check_checked=
and .mol_check_checked
$mol uses the component approach to building interfaces, however every component is self-sufficient and can be used as a self-sufficient application. Small components are aggregated inside larger components etc.
Unlike another frameworks, $mol does not isolate the internals of its components. Vice versa, a comfortable mechanism is provided for developers to configure them, the creator of the component doesn't have to do any additional actions.
For example, to set the list of sub components you need to redefine sub
property in view.tree
Confirm_delete $mol_row sub /
<= Yes $mol_button_minor title \Yes
<= No $mol_button_major title \No
Or the same code in TypeScript would be:
@ $mol_mem
Confirm_delete() {
return $mol_row.make({
sub : ()=> [ this.Yes() , this.No() ] ,
In both variants the compiler would verify the existence of the property and correspondence of the signature. Normally you don't need to work with fields of the object directly, all definable properties are public and can be safely overloaded.
Details about viewers and view.tree
language: $mol_view.
$mol_view implements lazy rendering. $mol_scroll watches scroll position and suggests the view height to embedded components. $mol_list knows the view height and minimal sizes of the embedded components, it excludes components definitely outside viewport from rendering. And all other components report their minimal size through minimal_height
$my_icon $mol_view
minimal_height 16
As the result opening of any window occurs instantly. It's independent from output data size. And since data would not be rendered, any requests would not be proceeded. This allows us to download them partly, when they are needed. Such a feature is possible due to reactive architecture, that penetrates through all layers of the application.
Unlike control-flow architectures, $mol implements the data-flow architecture. All applications are defined as a set of classes having properties. Every property is defined as some function from another property (and properties of another classes too). Properties, which were called while processing a function are saved as dependencies of current property. When their values change, all dependent properties would be invalidated cascading. Calling a non relevant property would lead to its pre-actualization.
In this way the whole application at the execution stage represents a huge tree of dependencies, with a special property at the root of the tree, which in case of invalidation would actualize itself automatically. And as any property always knows, whether something depends on it or not, then it is given a simple and reliable mechanism of controlling lifecycle of objects - they are created when dependence appears and are destroyed when nothing depends on them. This solves two fundamental problems: resources leaks and cache invalidation.
Besides, the reactive architecture allows us to abstract code elegantly from asynchronous operations. If the function can't return value at the moment, it can throw Promise
and is marked as part of the tree as "waiting of results". When result is retrieved, it can be inserted into property directly and an application would be reconstructed for the new state.
namespace $ {
export class $my_greeter {
@ $mol_mem
greeting() {
const user_name = $mol_fetch.json( '' )
return `Hello, ${ user_name }!`
Details: $mol_wire.
$mol pays special attention to debugging possibilities and research of how its code works.
A human friendly id
is automatically formed for every DOM-element, e.g. $hyoo_todomvc.root(0).taskRow(0).titler()
, which is a valid javascript code, that could be executed in a console, returning a link to the component, which the DOM-element corresponds to. Unfolding the content of the component you'd see names and values for its fields like:
dom_node() : div#$hyoo_todomvc.root(0)
task(1474385802391) : Object
task(1474386443175) : Object
taskRow(0) : $hyoo_todomvc_task_rowRow
taskRow(1) : $hyoo_todomvc_task_rowRow
taskrows() : Array[2]
The name of the field corresponds to calling the property, the content of the field would be available through. And thanks to naming classes and functions by underscoring, you always know which class instance you're looking at and can briefly find it in the code by searching the substring.
- $mol_fiber - Suspendable tasks
- $mol_atom2 - Reactive container
- $mol_log2 - Logging
- $mol_import - Dynamic sources import
- $mol_after - Scheduled callbacks with unified api
- $mol_fail - Throws all exceptions in one place to increase debug experience
- $mol_wire - Reactivity system
- $mol_object - Components base class
- $mol_ambient - Makes derived context
- $mol_owning - Owning relation between objects
- $mol_const - Const value returning function
- $mol_func_name - Name of function
- $mol_func_sandbox - Sandbox for safe code evaluation
- $mol_range2 - Lazy array
- $mol_maybe - Maybe monad
- $mol_conform - Object tree reconciler
- $mol_dict - Useful native
extension - $mol_array_chunks - Splits array by different chunks
- $mol_array_trim - Shortens array without memory reallocation
- $mol_state_arg - Arguments state (location/argv)
- $mol_state_local - Persistent local state (localStorage)
- $mol_state_session - Session temporary state (sessionStorage)
- $mol_state_history - Browser history bound state
- $mol_state_stack - State of current stack of execution
- $mol_state_time - Reactive current time stamp
- $mol_view - Reactive view model base class with lazy error-proof renderer
- $mol_ghost - Node-less wrapper for another view
- $mol_filler - Lorem ipsum
- $mol_svg - SVG base components
- $mol_status - Prints error status of some property
- $mol_speck - Attention speck
- $mol_link - Navigation link
- $mol_button - Button
- $mol_check - Check box
- $mol_switch - Radio buttons
- $mol_select - Select with search and lazy rendering support
- $mol_string - One string input control
- $mol_textarea - Multiple line input control
- $mol_search - Search string with suggests support
- $mol_number - One number input control
- $mol_code - Bar code scanner
- $mol_portion - Portion visualizer
- $mol_scroll - Scroll pane with position saving
- $mol_tiler - Items in row with balanced wrapping
- $mol_row - Items in row with wrapping and padding between
- $mol_bar - Group of controls as own control
- $mol_list - Vertical list of rows
- $mol_labeler - Labeled content
- $mol_section - Section with header
- $mol_book - Horizontal stack of pages
- $mol_page - Page with header, body and footer
- $mol_deck - Deck of panels with tab bar
- $mol_card - Card with content
- $mol_nav - Keyboard navigation
- $mol_touch - Touch/pointer gestures
- $mol_speech - Speech recognition and synthesis
- $mol_hotkey - Keyboard shortcuts
- $mol_form - Forms with validators
- $mol_attach - Preview list and attach button
- $mol_cost - Prints currency values
- $mol_message - User message
- $mol_chart - Plot pane with legend
- $mol_chart_legend - Simple legend for charts
- $mol_plot_pane - Pane for multiple graphs
- $mol_plot_graph - Plot graph base class
- $mol_plot_bar - Bar graph
- $mol_plot_line - Linear graph
- $mol_plot_dot - Dots graph
- $mol_plot_fill - Filling graph
- $mol_plot_group - Group of graph as single graph
- $mol_plot_ruler_vert - Vertical ruler
- $mol_plot_ruler_hor - Horizontal ruler
- $mol_plot_mark_hor - Horizontal markers
- $mol_tree2 - Tree format (
language described at $mol_view) - $mol_base64 - Base64 encode/decode
- $mol_leb128 - LEB128 encode/decode
- $mol_graph - Graph algorithms
- $mol_unit - Typed number value
- $mol_merge_dict - Merge two dictionaries to new one
- $mol_icon - CSS styled material design icons
- $mol_theme - Theming
- $mol_gap - Paddings, margins etc
- $mol_style - CSS-in-TS
- $mol_test - Unit testing
- $mol_stub - Stub data generators
- $mol_assert - Assertion functions
- $mol_window - Reactive view port configuration
- $mol_fetch - Reactive Fetch API
- $mol_webdav - Reactive WebDAV client
- $mol_file - Isomorphic reactive file system wrapper
- $mol_run - Synchronous execute of system command
- $mol_cordova - Apache Cordova API
- $mol_time_moment - Time moment representation with iso8601 support
- $mol_time_duration - Time duration representation with iso8601 support
- $mol_time_interval - Time interval representation with iso8601 support
- $mol_state_time - Reactive current time stamp
- $mol_date - Date picker
- $mol_calendar - Days of month as table
- $mol_wasm - WASM runner
- $mol_leb128 - LEB128 encode/decode
- $mol_tree2_wasm - wasm.tree representation
- $mol_github - GitHub API
- $mol_chat - GitHub based comments everywhere
- $mol_build - MAM builder
- $mol_build_server - MAM developer server
You can manually build any $mol module as standalone lib:
git clone ./mam
cd mam
npm install
npm start path/to/module
cp path/to/module/-/* your/build/directory
Some libs are already published to NPM:
- $mol_data - Static typed DTO with strict runtime validation and user friendly error messages.
- $mol_strict - Makes JS runtime more strict.
- $mol_time - Proper date/time/duration/interval arithmetic.
- $mol_type - TypeScript meta types for complex logic.
- $mol_regexp - Regular Expressions builder.
- $mol_crypto - Efficient cryptographic algorithms.
- $mol_db - Static typed IndexedDB wrapper with auto migrations.
- $hyoo_crowd - Conflict-free Reinterpretable Ordered Washed Data.
- $mol_plot - Fastest plot lib for vector graphics.
All of them are very small, powerful and fastest. Use it for your pleasure.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.