HySE (Hybrid Spring Embedder), is a layout algorithm designed for laying out a "mixed" graph with a "central" main directed part and "satellite" connected undirected parts (e.g., a hybrid UML diagram where the class inheritance hierarchy forms the directed part and other types of associations form the remaining undirected parts of the diagram). The algorithm uses a holistic spring embedder approach, where, as crossing minimization and final positioning of the hierarchy are polished, the undirected part is also beautified simultaneously.
Here is a demo of HySE layout algorithm:
To locally build the demo, follow these steps:
- Download the source codes or clone the repository with
git clone https://github.com/iVis-at-Bilkent/cytoscape.js-hyse.git
- Go to the root folder
cd cytoscape.js-hyse
- Run
npm install
to install the dependencies - Run
npm run demo
. By default it will open http://localhost:8080/demo/demo.html
When calling the layout, e.g. cy.layout({ name: 'hyse', ... })
, the following options are supported:
var defaultOptions = {
// improves the quality of the graph using a fast cooling rate, taking less time
isFastCooling: true,
// Use random node positions for undirected nodes in undirected components when assigning initial positions
randomizeInitialPositions: true,
// Whether or not to animate the layout
animate: true,
// Duration of animation in ms, if enabled
animationDuration: 1000,
// Easing of animation, if enabled
animationEasing: undefined,
// Fit the viewport to the repositioned nodes
fit: true,
// Padding around layout
padding: 30,
// Whether to include labels in node dimensions.
nodeDimensionsIncludeLabels: false,
// Whether or not simple nodes (non-compound nodes) are of uniform dimensions
uniformNodeDimensions: true,
// Node repulsion (non overlapping) multiplier
nodeRepulsion: node => 55000,
// Ideal edge (non nested) length
idealEdgeLength: edge => 50,
// Divisor to compute edge forces
edgeElasticity: edge => 0.45,
// Nesting factor (multiplier) to compute ideal edge length for nested edges
nestingFactor: 0.1,
// Maximum number of iterations to perform - this is a suggested value and might be adjusted by the algorithm as required
numIter: 2500,
// Apply repulsion forces on the graph to avoid node overlaps
performPostProcessing: true,
// If true, will not run the force directed part and will only display the initial positions assigned
displayInitialPositions: false,
// Distance between the ranks or layers of the directed part, takes into account the tallest node as well
rankGap: 50,
// Initially assigned distance between the nodes in ranks or layers of the directed part
orderGap: 80,
// Force threshold above which node pairs would be swapped in the directed part
swapForceLimit: 15000,
// Number of iterations after which the swapping function is called
swapPeriod: 50,
// Hold period for the nodes after being swapped
// Nodes will not be swapped again if swapped recently in this number of iterations
minPairSwapPeriod: 10,
/* layout animation parameters */
// Time (ms) between each iteration of the layout
tickDelay: 100,
// Number of iterations in each frame generated on screen
ticksPerFrame: 5,
/* layout event callbacks */
ready: () => {}, // on layoutready
stop: () => {} // on layoutstop
- Cytoscape.js ^3.2.0
- cose-base ^2.0.0
- dagre.js ^0.7.3
After getting a build (use npm run build
or npm run build-dev
), you can import the generated files under "dist" folder. It will generate CommonJS, Universal Module Definition and ES bundles.