This is a website where multi vendor can post about a products for selling, User can see products details,
To clone this project run
git clone
To run this project first run
npm install
To run client side
npm run dev
To run server side
noemon index.js
- Email-Password and Google Auth
- User can see products details.
- User can see products based on category.
- User can add product to cart and buy products, make card payments.
- User can check his/her payment history.
- Seller can check sales report.
- Seller can see paid total, pending etc.
- Seller can add delete edit a product.
- Admin can make any user admin/seller.
- Admin can control products.
- Admin can see all payment made in this website.
- Admin can approve payment.
Client: React, Material Tailwind React
Server: Node, Express, MongoDB, JWT, Tanstack Query