This is a complete rewrite of Luci, OpenWrt’s web interface, with the goal of making it more modern looking, simpler to use and maintain and requiring less dependencies.
You can try it live at Online OpenWrt using:
user: guest
password: guest
The main design principles are:
- Keep strong separation of view/model/business logic
- Minimal dependencies. No LUA. Only depend on Ubus rpcd helpers.
- Definitions of views completely done in pure json. No code needed on any specific framework to add apps
Some additional characteristics:
Static web pages served, rendered on the client, interacting with the device with UBUS thru http calls
Modern look & feel
Responsive and working well on mobile.
Core Developed using Angular and modern web development tooling. The framework could eventually be changed, but keeping the same API, all views could still work.
Promote separation of concerns:
- UCI configs definitions should be done as json schema
- View definition as minimal json files, inheriting all UCI related from schema
- Minimal API exposed from Luci2 to the views
- All business logic should be in Ubus methods in the backend
Luci2 is currently under slow development. It is possible to install and run it, but it will offer limited functionality.
You are encouraged to contribute to it’s development!
Currently there is no package feed with compiled packages to directly install on the device. To use it you will need to compile it yourself. The easiest way is to use OpenWrt SDK.
You’ll need to add this repo to feeds.conf
src-git Luci2;release
You need to install luci2-app-base
, which will pull all needed dependencies.
See OpenWrt Feeds' Guide for details.
To completely define a view a number of files are needed, mostly json. Not all are necessary:
- UCI Schema, describing the corresponding UCI config. Required only if the view manages UCI options.
- View definition. The description of the UI and it’s behavior. In some simple cases can be omitted and generated automatically from the UCI schema.
- Menu/Route entry to access the view. Or use predefined paths to include in hooks of base views.
- ACLs defining the permissions needed to run de view, if applicable
- UBUS plug-in/script with business logic, if needed.
- Plain JS client-side helper functions. Mainly to post process Ubus responses with more complex logic. This is discouraged as the logic should reside in the Ubus method.
Documentation coming soon.