Multiplayer Carla using a ghetto game-streaming concept; in summary:
- A vehicle and a sensor are created in Carla using Carla's PythonAPI
- Controls are received as JSON via UDP and applied to the vehicle (using the PythonAPI)
- The controls are originally sourced from a PS4 or Xbox 360 controller
- Images are pulled (using the PythonAPI), converted to .webp and sent via UDP
- The images are displayed using pyame
So, all the work and rendering is done server-side, the client-side merely captures input and displays the sensor images.
- Create a virtualenv
virtualenv -p `which python3` venv
- Activate the virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate
- install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install pygame (special process for MacOS)
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
pip install
- If you're using an Xbox 360 controller; install 360Controller/360Controller
- Server (for a single client)
python3 -m carla_multiplayer.server 13337 13338
= vehicle port13338
= screen
= vehicle blueprint192.168.137.196
= client host
- Client (to connect to a server)
python3 -m carla_multiplayer.client 13337 13338
= vehicle port13338
= screen port192.168.137.251
= server host
- Coordinator (TODO)
- Use Pyro4 to create all the required objects and instruct a Player object on what to do
- Server (you need one of these per Client)
- Vehicle
- Create a vehicle actor in Carla
- Apply controls to that actor
- Sensor
- Create a sensor actor in Carla (attached to the vehicle)
- Pull images from it
- Vehicle
- Client (you need one per server)
- Controller
- Read axis and button data from a PS4 or Xbox 360 controller
- Send controls to the Vehicle
- Screen
- Read images from the Sensor
- Write them to the local display
- Controller
- Looper
- Provide start/stop semantics for threading w/ before loop, before work, work, after work and after loop calls
- TimedLooper
- Same as above but on a strict loop period
- Threader
- Provide start/stop semantics for one or more threads
- Sender
- Send datagrams with minimal waiting using queues
- Receiver
- Receive datagrams and invoke callbacks with minimal waiting using queues
- Sender