A simple CMAKE based c++ pkg management module help MAKEUP c/cpp project easier. As its name, it's an cmake based project will make easy to integrade open-source c/c++ packages into your project.
The author is a naive and junior cpp coder. For now, this project is still in development and in very early stage.
- Makes every project be self-constained,try best not pollute the whole system.
- Everything about the project should only be in the project.
- Supports elastic-enough way to integrate any version of any package into any project any times in an consistency style.
- I just want integrate certain lib/package into my this project, but not install too many things to my system, nor pollute my whole system!
- Multiple version of certain lib has been used by my project or my project's dependencies, I need an easy way to integrate each version without conflict happens.
- I hope integrated/built package should be only integrated/built once, no matter the package is integrated by my project or my project's dependency packages.
- I do not hope install anything else to get a cpp package manager.
- I needs an simple reading and understood cpp package-management tool that I can develope on to support my needs.
- Has cmake installed with version upper than 3.14
- Has basic knowledge with cmake and linux shell
Just paste following codes block into your CMakeLists.txt
execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "pwd" OUTPUT_VARIABLE CURR_DIR)
string(REPLACE "\n" "" CURR_DIR ${CURR_DIR})
# Download cmakeup as pkg management.
if(EXISTS "${CURR_DIR}/main.zip")
message(STATUS "cmakeup has been downloaded.")
COMMAND bash -c "wget https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/innerNULL/cmakeup/archive/refs/heads/main.zip"
set(CMKAEUP_ROOT_PATH "${CURR_DIR}/cmakeup-main/cmakeup")
cmakeup_init("${CURR_DIR}/_cmakeup_hub" "https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com")
message(STATUS "All vcpkg pkg are installed under ${CMAKEUP_VCPKG_ROOT}/packages")
and then, if you want integrate an vcpkg pakcage, using sqlite3 as example, adds following codes in CMakeLists.txt:
execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "${CMAKEUP_VCPKG_BIN} install sqlite3")
find_package(unofficial-sqlite3 CONFIG REQUIRED)
else if you want integrate an package with cmakeup supported modules, using abseil-cpp as example:
cmakeup_pkg_cmake_importer("abseil" "abseil-cpp")
cmakeup_integrate_abseil_abseil_cpp("master" "null" "global")
Note, in most case, when you using cmakeup-integration, you may use the integration module written by yourself, so the arguments may not always be same with above style.
- Cmakeup-Package: In cmakeup, the Package represents the "project of the library", for example, an github repository of the lib is its cmakeup package.
- Cmakeup-Lib: For cpp 14/17, for cmakeup, lib means the package's header files inlcude path, and its static/dynamic(shard) lib if it needs build.
- Cmakeup-Integration:
In cmakeup, the integration means the pipline of:
- Downloading a Package and put it into an specific directory, depends on this package's organizarion/repository/tag(branch/version/etc)
- Building the package if need, register the Lib info (such as include-path, static/shared-lib) to Cmakeup-Global-Vars.
- Integrate the needing include-files and static/shared-lib to you developing project.
- Cmakeup-Register: For cmakeup, we say, registering an package to cmakeup-global variables by publish its related vars (such as the static/shared-lib location, include path(header files location)) to Cmakeup-Global-Vars.
- Cmakeup-Global-Vars: These global vars are Cmake-Cache-Vars, which names all start with CMAKE as prefix.
The design of cmakeup is simple and crude. It just puts and manages each package's each version source code into seperated-and-unique directories and building the package's src code to lib files in these path, and finally let cmakeup.
First of all, for one cmakeup package, all its components will under an specifice path under cmakeup root pkg path, depends on this package's organization, project/repository, tag/branch/version name.
Download File: Such as the zip file downloaded from github or tar.gz file downloaded from certain wabsite.
Source File: We can get Source File unzip the Download File.
Build File: After building the Source File, we get the Build File, of cource some header-only lib does not need built, so in this case Build File only contain Header Files.
- Header Files(Include Path)
- Lib Files:
- Static Lib Files
- Shared(Dynamic) Lib Files
- Install Path:
If build using
make install
, then there should be an install path which contains Header Files(Include Path) and Lib Files.
Status Flag File:
- Downloaded Flag File: _EXISTED
- TODO: Convert Downloaded Flag File to _DOWNLOAD, Adds an Built Flag File as _BUILD
We can say, for cmakeup, the package(lib) management is Directory-Based. Any version/tag/branch of any organization's any project/repository will assigned an specific and unique path under cmakeup root package management path.
Based on this simple but effective path isolate strategy, each package will be harmonious coexistence with out any conflict even some packages are just different version/tag/branch of same lib/repository.
Besides of above, with corresponding Cmakeup Global Vars recorded by cmakeup, cmakeup can help you easily integrate what you want into your project without writting too many cmake codes.
Cmakeup will holding some Global Vars(cmake cache var). With these vars, cmakeup can let package info shared across the root project/package and the projects/packages depended by root project/package.
All Global Vars(cmake cache var) will held by using cmake's set
macro with CACHE
option, and all there vars could be found in the CMakeCache.txt
under build path.
Cmakeup Common Global Vars There are common global var used to doing something such as variable and directory recorder. Most of there common global vars are defined at marco
: Recoreds all the name of Cmakeup Common Global Vars.CMAKEUP_MIN_CMAKE_VERSION
: Cmakeup minimum accept cmake version, invalid for now.CMAKEUP_CMAKE_GLOBAL_VARS
: Cmakeup registered certain cmake global variables.CMAKEUP_DEP_ROOT
: The root path that cmakeup will put everything in it, usually calls_cmakeup_hub
: Github proxy, used as the github host prefix.CMAKEUP_INTEGRATE_PKG
: The names of the package integrated by cmakeup.CMAKEUP_INTEGRATE_PKG_ROOT
: The root path of each integrate package, actually this var is not usually use.CMAKEUP_INCLUDE_PATH
recording the vars' name that each var recording one package's include-file/header-files' path.CMAKEUP_STATIC_LIB
recording the vars' name that each var recording one package's static lib files' path.CMAKEUP_SHARED_LIB
recording the vars' name that each var recording one package's dynamical/shared lib files' path.CMAKEUP_INSTALL_PATH
recording the vars' name that each var recording one package's relative path that executingmake install
recording the vars' name that each var recording one package's compiled bin files' paths, using protobuffer as an example,CMAKEUP_BIN_PATH
should save the var saving its protoc path.
Cmakeup Package Related Global Vars Each package integrated by cmakeup will assign several global vars with which we can call cmake macros such as
. The naming rule is:-
: Each package's root path, which is also the root path of its source code, the following steps may buildbuild
folder relative to this path and doing compiling and install operations. -
: Each package's header file path -
: Each package's static lib file paths. -
: Each package's dynamical/shared lib file paths. -
: Each package's relative path that executemake install
command. -
: Saving package's compiled bin files' paths, using protobuffer as an example, this should save its protoc bin file path.
- cmake macro not support "-" as legal name, so all the name contain "-" will be replaced with "_", for example, abseil-cpp should be abseil_cpp
Here is the full pipline for cmakeup's package integration and management:
- Initialization: At this step, cmkaeup will initialize some Cmakeup-Global-Vars and build the root directory to management depending packages, by default, it should be a directory called '_cmakeup_hub' under your 'build' directory.
- Downloading
For each package, cmakeup will download its source code, from github/gitlab, in some case, cmakeup can also download lib files directly, the root-path of each package's source code will saved at
. - Building and Installing
The classical process is make an
and executecmakeup ../
andmake install
, register some path variables into the global vars mentioned in Cmakeup Package Related Global Vars. - Integration
Just call some cmake macros such as
to each package's header-files paths and static/shared lib files paths.
TODO, For now ref to examples/vcpkg_integration