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IOTA Gas Station

IOTA Gas Station is a component that powers sponsored transactions on IOTA at scale. It manages a database of gas coins owned by a sponsor address and provides APIs to reserve gas coins and use them to pay for transactions. It achieves scalability and high throughput by managing a large number of gas coin objects in the pool, so that it can sponsor a large number of transactions concurrently.


For complete documentation, visit this link.

How to run with Docker


Setup Steps

  1. Clone the IOTA Gas Station Repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the Docker Directory and Generate the Config File:
cd gas-station/docker
../utils/./ generate-sample-config --config-path config.yaml --docker-compose -n testnet

Note: If the generated private key pair doesn’t meet your requirements, replace it with your own keys.

  1. Set Up Authentication: Define a bearer token for the Gas Station API using the GAS_STATION_AUTH environment variable.

  2. Start the Gas Station

GAS_STATION_AUTH=[bearer_token] docker-compose up

Expected Output

When the gas station starts, it will perform the initial coin-splitting procedure. You should see logs similar to the following:

2024-12-16T17:12:49.369620Z  INFO iota_gas_station::gas_station_initializer: Number of coins got so far: 392
2024-12-16T17:12:49.369690Z  INFO iota_gas_station::gas_station_initializer: Splitting finished. Got 392 coins. New total balance: 39615604800. Spent 384395200 gas in total
2024-12-16T17:12:49.381289Z DEBUG iota_gas_station::storage::redis: After add_new_coins. New total balance: 39615604800, new coin count: 392
2024-12-16T17:12:49.381378Z DEBUG iota_gas_station::storage::redis: Releasing the init lock.
2024-12-16T17:12:49.382094Z  INFO iota_gas_station::gas_station_initializer: New coin initialization took 0s
2024-12-16T17:12:49.383373Z  INFO iota_gas_station::rpc::server: listening on


Your Gas Station instance should now be running and accessible via its HTTP API.

How to build

Build prerequisites


To build the gas station binary, run:

cargo build --release


  • ./target/release/tool: gas station helper tool
  • ./target/release/iota-gas-station: gas station server binary


The example configuration file config.yaml can be generated with the tool. The example of config:

    keypair: AKT1Ghtd+yNbI9fFCQin3FpiGx8xoUdJMe7iAhoFUm4f
rpc-port: 9527
metrics-port: 9184
    redis_url: "redis://"
fullnode-url: ""
  target-init-balance: 100000000
  refresh-interval-sec: 86400
daily-gas-usage-cap: 1500000000000
  access-policy: disabled

Configuration parameters

Parameter Description Example
signer-config Configuration of signer. It can be a local or an external KMS. See down below
rpc-host-ip IP address for the RPC server
rpc-port Port for the RPC server 9527
metrics-port Port for collecting and exposing metrics 9184
storage-config.redis.redis_url Redis connection URL redis://
fullnode-url URL of the IOTA full node Initial balance to maintain 100000000
coin-init-config.refresh-interval-sec Interval in seconds to refresh balance 86400
daily-gas-usage-cap Maximum allowed daily gas usage 1500000000000
access-controller.access-policy Access policy mode. disabled, allow-all, deny-all. See this link to learn more

Signer Configuration

You can configure the signer in two ways:

  • Local (hardcoded) key (unsafe)


       keypair: AKT1Ghtd+yNbI9fFCQin3FpiGx8xoUdJMe7iAhoFUm4f # base64 encoded private key

    To convert a private key to base64, follow these steps:

    1. List available keys: iota keytool list
    2. Export the key for a selected alias: iota keytool export --key-identity [alias]
    3. Convert the bech32 key to base64: ./utils/ convert-key --key iotaprivatkey...
  • External key management store (KMS)


       sidecar-url: https://localhost:8001

    For more details, see the documentation and the KMS sidecar example.

Sponsored Transaction Examples

Common Issues

See the Common Issues section


We would love to have you help us with the development of IOTA Identity. Each and every contribution is greatly valued!

To contribute directly to the repository, simply fork the project, push your changes to your fork and create a pull request to get them included!

The best place to get involved in discussions about this library or to look for support at is the #gas-station-dev channel on the IOTA Discord. You can also ask questions on our Stack Exchange.