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Daniel Isenmann edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 5 revisions

Spotify integration

Covers supports Spotify integration and adds your albums from your Spotify library into Covers seamlessly. This page describes how to connect Covers with your Spotify account.


You need a Spotify premium account to stream music from Spotify over their API, so with the free account it won't work!


Create an app

Because your are using Covers on your own computer you have to create an own app in your Spotify account. Do the following:

  1. login into your Spotify account via your browser
  2. open the Spotify Developer Dashboard and login with the same credentials as in Spotify
  3. click on the button 'Create An App' on the upper right on your dashboard
  4. Add Covers as the app name, type any text you want as app description and check the two checkboxes below to accept the terms of service, click 'Create'
  5. after that click on 'Edit settings' on the upper right in the dashboard
  6. add as Redirect URI "http://localhost:5000/Spotify/Callback" and click 'Add'. IMPORTANT: Change 'localhost' with the IP address of your PC where Covers is running, also change port 5000 to the port you have specified in the appsettings.json file (can be found in the root directory of Covers) in the Kestrel section (default: 5000)
  7. save the settings (button on the bottom)
  8. on the left click on 'Show client secret'
  9. copy ClientID and ClientSecret to the appsettings.json file of Covers, there is a Spotify section
  10. copy also the redirect URI from step 6 into the appsettings.json file. It should look something like this:
"Kestrel": {
    "Endpoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": ""
  "Spotify": {
    "ClientID": "414ef7d7b942c48fe6e7a8b089c0c8",
    "ClientSecret": "201c3d1df4ad1a4c83937cf99a6d9",
    "CallbackUri": ""
  1. save the appsettings.json file and start Covers
  2. point your browser to the Cover URL, in the above example (default: http://localhost:5000)
  3. you should be redirected to Spotify and must login (if not already done), after that approve the app that it can access your data
  4. you will be redirected to the Covers overview page and your Spotify albums will be added
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