A suite of methods for improving robustness of task-oriented dialogue models.
Code for paper "Improving Robustness of Dialog Systems in a Data-Efficient Way with Turn Dropout" by Igor Shalyminov and Sungjin Lee. [Paper - presented at ConvAI Workshop@NeurIPS 2018] [Poster]
HCN implementation is based on https://github.com/johndpope/hcn
conda create -n ood_robust_hcn python=3.7 cython tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0
conda activate ood_robust_hcn
pip install -r requirements.txt
0.1 Download word2vec vectors:
cd hcn/data; sh get_word2vec.sh
0.2 Initialize the datasets
git submodule update --init
cd icassp-ood-dataset; unzip *.zip
- Training:
cd hcn; python train.py data ../icassp-ood-dataset/babi_task6 ../icassp-ood-dataset/babi_task6_ood_0.2_0.4 <model folder> configs/<config-json> [--custom_vocab <vocab file>]
- Evaluation:
cd hcn; python evaluate.py data ../icassp-ood-dataset/babi_task6 ../icassp-ood-dataset/babi_task6_ood_0.2_0.4 <model folder> [clean/noisy]
- Autoencoder-based
Making a dataset for AE:
python make_dataset_for_autoencoder.py hcn/data <result folder>
Training an AE:
cd ae_ood; python train_ae.py <AE dataset folder>/trainset <AE dataset folder>/devset <AE dataset folder>/testset <model folder>
Evaluating the AE:
cd ae_ood; python evaluate.py <model folder> <AE dataset folder>/devset <AE dataset folder>/evalset --decision_type [min/max/avg]
- VAE-based
Training a VAE:
cd vae; python train.py <AE dataset folder>/trainset <AE dataset folder>/devset <AE dataset folder>/testset <model folder>
Evaluating the VAE:
`cd vae; python evaluate_vae_ood.py /devset /evalset --decision_type [min/max/avg] --loss_components [kl_loss(,nll_loss)]``
bAbI Dialog Task 6 augmentation:
- Run the notebooks:
mining_ood_reddit.ipynb, mining_ood_twitter.ipynb, mining_foreign_domain_ood.ipynb, mining_ood_breakdown.ipynb
cd babi_tools; sh make_ood_dataset.sh ../hcn/data ../data/babi_task6_ood_dataset_<parameters>
config file will be used which sets the probabilities of OOD sequence start and continuation respectively.