This project is for Software University, module Software Techologies - defence. Techologies used for this project are PHP and his MVC (Symfony).
- Ivan Simeonov - ivan4ov4
- Daniel Vasilev - DanielVasilev98
/ - view all posts
/register - register new user
/login - login register user
/logout - logout login user
/profile - view user info
/article/{id} - view article by id
/article/create - create article
/article/edit/{id} - edit article by id
/article/delete/{id} - delete artile by id
/admin/panel/ - view admin panel
/admin/user/ - view all registered users
/admin/user/edit/{id} - edit user by id
/admin/user/delete/{id} - delete user by id
/admin/category/ - view all categories
/admin/category/create - create new category
/admin/category/edit/{id} - edit category by id
/admin/category/delete/{id} - delete category by id
/edit/articles/ - view all articles
Step 2: You need to xampp to install this project. Clik here to download.
Step 3: Install HeidiSQL. Clik here to download.
Open cmd
on project directory. To fast open clik control
+ shift
+ right mouse button
and find open command window here
C:\..dir..\TeamProblem>php -v
If php responce this.
PHP work successfully.
C:\..dir..\TeamProblem>php composer.phar install
Step 2: Replace parameters.yml
on this file on app/config
C:\..dir..\TeamProblem>php bin/console doctrine:database:create
C:\..dir..\TeamProblem>php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
C:\..dir..\TeamProblem>php bin/console server:run
Start HeidiSql and connect to database.
Create query to base with qery tab.
to execute query.
Go to localhost:8000 and register new user. Open HeidiSQL and change you user type. After register first admin user you will be able to change the type of all registered users from admin panel.
Change user to admin role.
Result on web page.
Change to editor role
Result to editor role