Curtin University
- Australia
- https://ivanhanigan.github.io/
A script to calculate heatwaves from AWAP
Ecological Metadata Language interface for R: synthesis and integration of heterogenous data
Suicide and Drought in NSW 1970-2007
Australian Bird Species Distribution Now and in the Future - AP03 at JCU's eResearch Centre
This is a demo of using the R package ProjectTemplate from an orgmode compendium. The aim is to entangle the entire project initialisation and execution into a single source file
A script is to download the spatial grids of the Australian Water Availability Project
POA weather: meteorological data for Australian Postal Areas (Postcode approximations)
This is Ivan Hanigan's Academic Website
The Hutchinson Drought Index reflects agricultural droughts using only rainfall data
hydromad / hydromad
Forked from floybix/hydromadHydrological Model Assessment and Development
Visualisation modules for OpenLayers intended to make visualisation of point data easy. Currently only supports Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation.