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A lightweight protocol-oriented object-mapping SQLite wrapper in Swift


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If you like SQLite then this wrapper is for you!
It abstract enough details away from tedious SQL related works, yet remains flexible and open to customization.



(This might be a bit complex. Be patient, good stuff will come to you soon!) AHDataModel has minimum of 5 methods needed to be implemented for your models:

#### Three Core Methods
/// In this method, you need to provide necessary column(or property) informations.
static func columnInfo() -> [AHDBColumnInfo]

/// Core method, it's for AHDataModel to create models when data being queried from a SQLite database.
init(with dict: [String: Any])

/// Core method, it's for saving model's data into database.
/// You can intentionally ignore some properties in here by not assigning a key-value pair to the returning dict.
func toDict() -> [String: Any]

/// The table name for this model
static func tableName() -> String

/// Database file path
static func databaseFilePath() -> String

What AHDataModel protocol really cares about are those informations provided by the three core methods mentioned above.
Make sure you correctly handle:

init(with dict: [String: Any?])
func toDict() -> [String: Any] 

and also the informations produced by those two methods match the informations you provide in

static func columnInfo() -> [AHDBColumnInfo]

then everything is going to be fine.


The following example is for models that have non-nil properties. The codes seems long, but they really don't have anything complicated. You can easily read through them quickly:) NOTE: Every model must have a primary key!
Will show you the case when a model indeed doesn't have anything to do with a primary key later.

struct User: Equatable {
    var id: Int
    var firstName: String
    var lastName: String
    var age: Int
    var isVIP: Bool
    /// Optional properties can be nil then being inserted or updated into database with NULL value.
    /// Don't specify it as 'NOT NULL' in columnInfo's constraint.
    var balance: Double?
    /// If we want this property to have nothing to do with the database, we simply just ignore it in the protocol methods.
    var position: String = "PM"
    /// Like normal struct, you use an initializer to create it, you can insert it into the database later.
    public init(id: Int, firstName: String, lastName: String, age: Int, isVIP: Bool, balance: Double?) { = id
        self.firstName = firstName
        self.lastName = lastName
        self.age = age
        self.isVIP = isVIP
        self.balance = balance
    /// Here we assume the id is unique and will be our primary key
    public static func ==(lhs: User, rhs: User) -> Bool {
        return ==

/// Imlement AHDataModel protocol
extension User: AHDataModel {
    /// Core method, handling data coming from database
    init(with dict: [String : Any?]) { = dict["id"] as! Int
        self.firstName = dict["firstName"] as! String
        self.lastName = dict["lastName"] as! String
        self.age = dict["age"] as! Int
        /// NOTE: You have to use Bool() to convert an integer to boolean value.
        /// See columnInfo() for how to define boolean property.
        self.isVIP = Bool(dict["isVIP"])!
        /// Even though 'balance' is optional, we can ignore it in any of the three core methods.
        self.balance = dict["balance"] as? Double
    /// There are 3 types for columns(or properties): text(or String), real(or Double), integer(or Int).
    /// NOTE: Every model must have a primary key!
    /// Will show you the case when a model indeed doesn't have anything to do with a primary key later.
    static func columnInfo() -> [AHDBColumnInfo] {
        /// add constraint terms as you use SQLite before.
        let id = AHDBColumnInfo(name: "id", type: .integer, constraints: "primary key")
        let firstName = AHDBColumnInfo(name: "firstName", type: .text, constraints: "not null")
        let lastName = AHDBColumnInfo(name: "lastName", type: .text)
        let age = AHDBColumnInfo(name: "age", type: .integer)
        /// Since SQLite can't represent a boolean value in the database, you use integer instead.
        let isVIP = AHDBColumnInfo(name: "isVIP", type: .integer)
        /// Even though 'balance' is optional, we can ignore it in any of the three core methods.
        let balance = AHDBColumnInfo(name: "balance", type: .real)
        return [id,firstName,lastName,age,isVIP,balance]
    /// This method is for converting the Swift Struct model into a dict data so that AHDataModel can manipulate it in database level.
    func toDict() -> [String : Any] {
        var dict = [String: Any]()
        dict["id"] =
        dict["firstName"] = self.firstName
        dict["lastName"] = self.lastName
        dict["age"] = self.age
        /// Don't need to convert the boolean value to integer.
        dict["isVIP"] = self.isVIP
        /// Even though 'balance' is optional, we can ignore it in any of the three core methods.
        dict["balance"] = self.balance
        return dict
    /// Use the struct's name as the table name
    static func tableName() -> String {
        return "\(self)"
    /// Return a path in the cache directory
    static func databaseFilePath() -> String {
        return (NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.cachesDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first! as NSString).appendingPathComponent("db.sqlte")

Let's use the User model right now.

/// Every model has a write closure for global transaction. All write operations have to be executed in a write closure.
/// NOTE: currently there's no difference for which model's write closure to use. They all share the same queue. If you want, you can use some other model's write closure, but not recommended.   
/// More info described in the 'Write' section later.  
/// That's why the operations in the write block is like a exclusive transaction in database level, not table level.  
User.write {
    let user1 = User(id: 42, firstName: "Michael", lastName: "Jackson", age: 29, isVIP: true, balance: nil)
    /// insert user1 with a nil balance.
    try! User.insert(model: user1)
    var user1_copy = User.query(byPrimaryKey: 42)!
    if user1_copy.balance == nil {
        print("balance is nil")
    user1_copy.balance = 9999999.0
    try! User.update(model: user1_copy)
    // reassign value to user1_copy
    user1_copy = User.query(byPrimaryKey: 42)!
    if user1_copy.balance != nil {
        print("balance is not nil")

Now let's create a chat message model which has only 3 main properties: text, userId, addedAt. But since every model must have a primary key. We'll have to give it a 'id' property, but we just put it there.

/// Remember to implement Equatable for a struct, always!
struct Chat: Equatable {
    /// Since we don't are about primary key for a chat message. We only query them by their userId. So we give it an optional so that we don't have to put it in the initializer, or in this case, use Swift's implicit struct initializer.
    var id: Int?
    var text: String
    var userId: Int

    /// This is a custom initializer, NOT the AHDataModel's core init method!!
    /// It's for the convenience to create them.
    init(text: String, userId: Int) {
        self.text = text
        self.userId = userId

    public static func ==(lhs: Chat, rhs: Chat) -> Bool {
        return lhs.text == rhs.text && lhs.userId == rhs.userId

/// AHDataModel implementation
extension Chat: AHDataModel {
    init(with dict: [String : Any]) {
        /// Though we will not be using the id property, but we still have to put it there!!
        /// It will be treated as an implicit primary key(rowid) in SQLite. = dict["id"] as? Int
        self.text = dict["text"] as! String
        self.userId = dict["userId"] as! Int
    static func columnInfo() -> [AHDBColumnInfo] {
        /// Though we will not be using the id property, but we still have to put it there!!
        /// It will be treated as an implicit primary key(rowid) in SQLite.
        let id = AHDBColumnInfo(name: "id", type: .integer, constraints: "primary key")
        let text = AHDBColumnInfo(name: "text", type: .text)
        /// NOTE: Since userId here is a foregin key, when the corresponding user gets deleted, the related chats would be deleted too. 
        let userId = AHDBColumnInfo(foreginKey: "userId", type: .integer, referenceKey: "id", referenceTable: "\(User.tableName())")
        return [id,text,userId]
    func toDict() -> [String : Any] {
        var dict = [String: Any]()
        /// Again:
        /// Though we will not be using the id property, but we still have to put it there!!
        /// It will be treated as an implicit primary key(rowid) in SQLite.
        dict["id"] =
        dict["text"] = self.text
        dict["userId"] = self.userId
        return dict
    static func databaseFilePath() -> String {
        return (NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.cachesDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first! as NSString).appendingPathComponent("db.sqlte")

    static func tableName() -> String {
        return "\(self)"

We now use the Chat model along with the User model.

let chat1 = ChatModel(text: "There's a place ... chat_1", userId: 42)
let chat2 = ChatModel(text: "in your heart ... chat_2", userId: 42)
let chat3 = ChatModel(text: "and I know that ... chat_3", userId: 42)
let chat4 = ChatModel(text: "it is ... chat_4", userId: 42)
let chat5 = ChatModel(text: "love ... chat_5", userId: 42)

/// If all the insertions succeeded, the batch insert method would return 0 count.
/// If one of them failed, the method would return the unsuccessfully inserted ones.
let count = ChatModel.insert(models: [chat1,chat2,chat3,chat4,chat5])
if count == 0 {
  print("batch insert succeeded!")
/// query chats for userId = 12
/// We don't need the id primary key at all. But we still have to put it there:)
var chats = ChatModel.query("userId", "=", 12).run()

That's it for the modeling!

If you need more examples about modeling, you can clone or download this repository, there's an example project which contains several sample models and also lots of tests. You can learn from them too!

Additionally, AHFMDataCenter have some demonstration models for splitting a data model.
For example, anything that comes from your server stores in one model. Hopefully they are not too many, otherwise you neeed to categorize them and put them into different models. And you shuld categorize those local managed properties into different models too, e.g. PlayerItemDownloadInfo for storing download progress and its local file path.


Query is easy. Read through the following examples, you'll be good to go.

let chats = ChatModel.query("userId", "=", 55).OrderBy("userId", isASC: true).run()

/// Don't need to .run()
let dog = Dog.query(byPrimaryKey: 11)

var masters = Master.query("age", "IS NOT", nil).run()
masters.aster.query("age", "IS", nil).run()
masters = Master.query("age", "IN", [33,66,88]).run()

masters = Master.queryAll().OrderBy("id", isASC: false).Limit(2).run()
masters = Master.queryAll().OrderBy("id", isASC: false).Limit(3, offset: 2).run()
masters = Master.query("name", "LIKE", "fun%").AND("age", "<=", "77").AND("score", ">", 65).OrderBy("score", isASC: false).run()

Write Operations

All write operations must be executed within a write closure, including insert, update and delete.


Insert operation will only succeed when there's no duplicate record in the database with the same primary key. Two insert methods:

/// Single insertion, throws
public static func insert(model: Self) throws

/// Batch insertion, return those unsuccessfully inserted ones.
/// NOTE: This method suppresses exceptions!!
public static func insert(models: [Self]) -> [Self]


let dog1 = Dog(masterId:, name: "dog_1", age: 12)
let dog2 = Dog(masterId:, name: "dog_2", age: 12)
let dog3 = Dog(masterId:, name: "dog_3", age: 12)
/// this could be Master.write{}, but you are doing things related to Dog, why use Master? Though both closure are identical.
  /// Return value can be ignored
  let ones = Dog.insert(models: [dog1,dog2,dog3])
  if ones.count == 0 {
      // all of the models are successfully inserted
      // there's at least one model failed to be inserted, which most of the time, due to duplication.
      // you can do updates here to make sure that old values to be overridden, if needed.


Update operation will only succeed when there's already a record with the same primary key. Four update methods:

public static func update(model: Self) throws

/// Return those unsuccessfully updated ones.
/// NOTE: This method surpresses exceptions!!
public static func update(models: [Self]) -> [Self]

/// Update specific properties of this model into the database
/// Note: This will override existing values.
public static func update(model: Self, forProperties properties: [String]) throws

/// Update specific properties of this model into the database
/// Note1: This will override existing values.
/// Note2: You can't set a property to nil for now since dict cannot contain nil value. Use the model method to set a property to nil if you already have one.
public static func update(byPrimaryKey primaryKey: Any, forProperties properties: [String : Any]) throws

The first two update methods are like the two insert methods -- insert or update singly or in batch with exception thrown or returning failed models.

The last two are for updating specific properties, or partial updating.
For 'update(model: Self, forProperties properties: [String]) throws', you at least need a model which could be just created or from a query.
And you assign some new values for the properties then you use this method to update, partially.
You might ask, why not use the second update method?
The reason is that, sometimes you just want to update some properties then quickly switch to do something else, untill some point, you have already collected all the info and now you can do a full update.

For the last update method, you don't need a model in advance, you just need to know the value of the primary key and the key-value pairs you need to update.
The short shortcoming of this method is that, it can't update a property to nil since the key-value dict doesn't allow containing a nil value. So in this case, use the previous update method(query the model first).

Dog.write {
    /// assuming the name of the dog is the primary key
    var dog42 = Dog.query(byPrimaryKey: 42)!
    dog42.age = 99
    dog42.masterId = 122
    try! Dog.update(model: dog42, forProperties: ["masterId", "age"])
    try! Dog.update(byPrimaryKey: 42, forProperties: ["masterId": 122, "age": 99])


Five methods for deletion

public static func delete(model: Self) throws

/// Return unsuccessfully deleted ones.
public static func delete(models: [Self]) -> [Self]

public static func delete(byPrimaryKey primaryKey: Any) throws

/// Returns unsuccessfully deleted primary keys
public static func delete(byPrimaryKeys primaryKeys: [Any]) -> [Any]

/// Internally, it will drop the table containing the data model
public static func deleteAll() throws

They are pretty much self-explanatory.
Example is not provided. You can checkout the example project's tests to learn more.


The AHDataModel's transaction functionality is from its super protocol AHDB.
If you want a in depth usage, you can checkout AHDB protocol. In general, all models' .write{} closure method satisfy most of the situations.

Dog.write {
    // do stuff here

Again, that closure method is not related to any model. You just need a model to call .write{}.
You can even conform AHDB with any struct or class and call the .write{} from there.

This .write{} method is actually a 'fake' transaction. It's not a database transaction which has rollback and some other fancy stuff.
What the method does here is the closure you created when call the method, is being dispatched asynchronously to a built-in queue and executed the codes over there. Since all write operations are forced to use .write{}, so all your data queried within the closure, are guaranteed to be atomic.
Some might say, all the write operations are in one queue, would it become a performance problem?
NO! You are building an iOS MOBILE application, not a backend server. You shouldn't write too many data, too much at once, for example, querying 1000 records into the memory at once and use them in a tableView. NO!


Adding and/or Deleting a Property

AHDataModel implements a semi-auto migration process -- you don't need to do anything if you just merely delete or add columns(properties) without using any previous data.
For example, if a Dog model has a masterId at initial version, it's zero. Then you decide to free all the dogs and delete all masterId related info in Dog model. The only thing you need to do in this case is:

/// Do the migration within 'application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions'
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { 
      /// Specify the toVersion to 1, since the initial version by default is 0.
      try! Dog.migrate(toVersion: 1, migrationBlock: { (migrator, newProperty) in
        // do nothing here

The same code applied to adding a property.
NOTE: Remember to delete or add the properties in the model struct(or class),
AND modified AHDataModel's three core methods:
'columnInfo() -> [AHDBColumnInfo]'
'init(with dict: [String: Any?])'
'toDict() -> [String: Any]'

Process Legacy Data While Migrating

In this case, mostly adding a property, you want to do something with the legacy data, e.g. aggregating some numbers to form a value for a new property, combining 'firstName', 'lastName' into a 'fullName' property.

Renaming a Property
/// Migrate property name 'sex' to 'gender'
try! User.migrate(ToVersion: 1, migrationBlock: { (migrator, newProperty) in  
    /// Check the newProperty is actually the one you want to do something about it
    if newProperty == "gender" {
        /// use migrator's built-in method to do the work
        migrator.renameProperty(from: "sex")
Combining Two Sting Properties
/// if the 'firstName' is "Michael", 'lastName' is "Jackson", then the newProperty 'fullName' will be "Jackson, Micheal"
try! User.migrate(toVersion: 1) { (migrator, newProperty) in
    if newProperty == "fullName" {
        /// the separator is the one between propertyA and propertyB
        migrator.combineProperties(propertyA: "lastName", separator: ", ", propertyB: "firstName")
Linear Migration

Here we use raw SQL instead of extend the migrator which is described in the next section

/// All SQLs here should only be about how to aggreate toward the newProperty throughout the linear migration!!!
try! User.migrate(toVersion: 3) { (migrator, newProperty) in
    var sql: String = ""
    if self.lastVersion() == nil {
        /// if the lastVersion is nil, it means lastVersion is the initial version 0.
        /// It also means current user is in initial version!
        /// For example, you deleted 'firstName' and 'lastName' and added 'fullName' by combining the previous two.
        let sql_v1 = "...."
        sql += sql_v1
    guard let lastVersion = lastVersion() {
    if lastVersion == 1 {
        /// from v1 -> v2
        let sql_v2 = "...."
        sql += sql_v2

    if lastVersion == 2 {
        /// from v2 -> v3
        let sql_v3 = "...."
        sql += sql_v3

    migrator.runRawSQL(sql: sql)
Extend Migrator for Advanced Usages

As shown above, most of the migrating works are done by using the migrator's built-in methods. So what if you want to do custom works during migration? Extend Migrator.
The Migrator has 4 properties:

public let oldTableName: String
public let tempTableName: String
/// This is the newProperty name, the same property name as the one passed in the migration closure parameter shown previously.
public let property: String
public let primaryKey: String

Now let's say, we want to add a 'msgCount' property for the User model. And this 'msgCount' is the count of all the chats with userId = Here's the raw SQL:

-- tempTableName is the intermediate table's name for migrating. It will be changed to the original table' name later.
"UPDATE tempTableName SET 'msgCount' = (SELECT count(*) FROM Chat WHERE = Chat.userId)"

In Swift:

extension Migrator {
    func aggreateMsgCount(chatTableName: String, chatPrimaryKeyName: String) {
        /// NOTE: the new property name is
        let sql = "UPDATE \(self.tempTableName) SET \( = (SELECT count(*) FROM \(chatTableName) WHERE \(chatTableName).\(chatPrimaryKeyName) = \(self.tempTableName).\(self.primaryKey))"
        migrator.runRawSQL(sql: sql)

/// Then use the extension method
try! User.migrate(toVersion: 1) { (migrator, newProperty) in
    /// NOTE: newProperty ==
    if newProperty == "msgCount" {
        migrator.aggreateMsgCount(chatTableName: "Chat", chatPrimaryKeyname: "userId")


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.
You can learn more from the tests in the project. Additionally, some sample models from AHFMDataCenter



AHDataModel is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'AHDataModel'


Andy Tong,


AHDataModel is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.