Full documentation: https://pylangacq.org
PyLangAcq is a Python library for language acquisition research.
- Easy access to CHILDES and other TalkBank datasets
- Intuitive Python data structures for flexible data access and manipulation
- Standard developmental measures readily available: Mean length of utterance (MLU), type-token ratio (TTR), and index of productive syntax (IPSyn)
- Direct support and powerful extensions possible for CHAT-formatted conversational datasets more generally
To download and install the most recent version:
$ pip install --upgrade pylangacq
Ready for more? Check out the Quickstart page.
- Source code: https://github.com/jacksonllee/pylangacq
- Bug tracker: https://github.com/jacksonllee/pylangacq/issues
- Social media: Twitter
PyLangAcq is authored and maintained by Jackson L. Lee.
Lee, Jackson L., Ross Burkholder, Gallagher B. Flinn, and Emily R. Coppess. 2016. Working with CHAT transcripts in Python. Technical report TR-2016-02, Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago.
Title = {Working with CHAT transcripts in Python},
Author = {Lee, Jackson L. and Burkholder, Ross and Flinn, Gallagher B. and Coppess, Emily R.},
Institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago},
Year = {2016},
Number = {TR-2016-02},
MIT License. Please see LICENSE.txt
in the GitHub source code for details.
The test data files included come from CHILDES,
and have a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
license instead; please also see
in the GitHub source code for details.
Please see CHANGELOG.md
The latest code under development is available on Github at jacksonllee/pylangacq. To obtain this version for experimental features or for development:
$ git clone https://github.com/jacksonllee/pylangacq.git
$ cd pylangacq
$ pip install -e ".[dev]"
To run tests and styling checks:
$ pytest -vv --doctest-modules --cov=pylangacq pylangacq docs/source
$ flake8 pylangacq
$ black --check pylangacq
To build the documentation website files:
$ python docs/source/build_docs.py