Adding Insert Plug-ins to Studio One
Animated Gif:
This script allows loading any plugin directly to selected tracks via key command or via macro toolbar buttons.
It works by firing the Console | Add Insert pop-up list and executing X "Down" commands to get to any plugin in the list and then loads it. That list is fluid and may change as you add new plugins and if so you'll have to edit the position numbers below and recompile the script.
** Always move the mouse up out of arrange before firing the script with a bound hotkey. If the mouse cursor is in the arrange space it will auto highlight the plugin in that pop-up list that's on the same vertical level as the mouse cursor.
Click the title bar or something before hitting the hot key, or use macro toolbar buttons to load your favorite plugins
Zip up the three files and rename the file as plugins.package, and put it into the Studio One application \scripts folder.
Edit the files as commented in them to customize it for your system.