Author: Jarid [ ]
A sample e-commerce store, 'Sick Fits', that allows users to sign-up, add/edit/remove items to the store, and even check-out items with a (test-mode) credit card purchase.
Sickfits is an opportunity to learn more about React, GraphQL and a host of other modern technologies (listed below) to stay on the cutting edge of web development. In addition, I've wanted to build a fully-functioning E-commerce website with payment processing and an email server to improve my back-end skills.
- Next.js: Server-side rendering, application routing, and tooling (built on Webpack)
- React.js: Client-side front-end UI framework
- Apollo Client: GraphQL queries and mutations, cacheing, and managing application state
- GraphQL Yoga: Database layer used to resolve Queries and Mutations, credit card charges with Stripe, permissions/authentication
- Express/node.js: Server framework underneath Yoga (which includes an email server)
- Prisma: CRUD APIs that can integrate with many databases (including postreSQL, mongoDB or mySQL), as well as schema definition
- Jest with Enzyme: React testing by utilizing Jest's engine to "shallow" render components, and constantly comparing to a snapshot to ensure rendering is consistent
The cart component in particular has to read and write to the database many times for its scope. As a result, with Apollo's render props that must have the component nested inside its React tags, the code can get quite messy. A handy npm package, [react-adopt] ( can group these together with its adopt()
method shown below. Hope this is useful to someone!
// ./frontend/components/Cart.js:28
const Composed = adopt({
user: ({ render }) => <User>{render}</User>,
toggleCart: ({ render }) => (
<Mutation mutation={TOGGLE_CART_MUTATION}>{render}</Mutation>
localState: ({ render }) => <Query query={LOCAL_STATE_QUERY}>{render}</Query>
const Cart = () => (
{({ user, toggleCart, localState }) => {
const { me } =;
if (!me) return null;
return (
<CartStyles open={}>
<CloseButton title="close" onClick={toggleCart}>
's Cart
You Have {me.cart.length} Item
{me.cart.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} in your cart.
{ => (
<CartItem key={} cartItem={cartItem} />
{!me.cart.length ? (
) : (
<SickButton onClick={toggleCart}>Checkout</SickButton>