Custom plugin repository
Edit your /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml
to look like this
main.custom_plugin_repos = [
Then run this command: sudo pwnagotchi plugins update
Warning: This might not work with bt-tether enabled.
Run the following command to install BtS
sudo pwnagotchi plugins install bluetoothsniffer
Add the following lines to your /etc/pwnagotchi.config.toml
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.enabled = true
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.timer = 45 # On how may seconds to scan for bluetooth devices
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.devices_file = "/root/handshakes/bluetooth_devices.json" # Path to the JSON file with bluetooth devices
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.count_interval = 86400 # On how may seconds to update count bluetooth devices
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.bt_x_coord = 160
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.bt_y_coord = 66
Run the following command to install Internet-Connection
sudo pwnagotchi plugins install internet-connection
Add the following line to your /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml
main.plugins.internet-connection.enabled = true
Run the following command to install Memtemp-Plus
sudo pwnagotchi plugins install memtemp-plus
Add the following lines to your /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.enabled = true
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.scale = "celsius" # options are celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.orientation = "vertical" # options are vertical or horizontal
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.fields = ["mem,cpu,temp,freq"] # you can change order
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.position = "200,70"
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.linespacing = 12
Run the following command to install Show_Pwd
sudo pwnagotchi plugins install show_pwd
Add the following lines to your /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml
main.plugins.show_pwd.enabled = true
main.plugins.show_pwd.orientation = "horizontal" # options are horizontal or vertical
There is no reason to reboot during this installation, you may interrupt the apt install that is in the background and this will make your pi go bonk
- install the python file.
- find the serial link of your GPS and its baudrate and add them to your config
- get internet and load the plugin
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.enabled = true = ''
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.port = 2947
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.device = '/dev/ttyS0' #<--- change to your device
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.baud = 9600 #<--- change to fit yuor device
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.fields = ['fix','lat','lon','alt','spd'] #<-- Any order or amount, you can also use custom values from POLL.TPV; on gpsd documents (
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.speedUnit = 'kph' #or 'mph' or 'ms' #(m/s)
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.distanceUnit = 'm' #or 'ft'
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.bettercap = true #<--- report to bettercap
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.topleft_x = 130
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.topleft_y = 47 = true #<--- auto setup systemd service for gpsd. use false if using custom service and you know what you are doing.