A CLI utility for searching and listing XBMC Addon Repositories.
- List addons available in remote repositories.
- List addons which require another addon as a dependency.
- Download the current version of an addon locally.
- Display the addon.xml for a remote addon.
- Search all addon.xml files in a repository for a given string.
- Supports the official XBMC respositories as well as 3rd party repos.
$ pip install xam
$ xam all
* Updating addons.xml from remote...
metadata.7176.com 1.0.9
metadata.albums.1ting.com 1.0.7
metadata.albums.allmusic.com 2.0.1
webinterface.wtouch 0.4
$ xam --repo http://bluecop-xbmc-repo.googlecode.com/files/repository.bluecop.xbmc-plugins.zip all
* Downloading http://bluecop-xbmc-repo.googlecode.com/files/repository.bluecop.xbmc-plugins.zip to /Users/jbeluch/.xam_cache/aHR0cDovL2JsdWVjb3AteGJtYy1yZXBvLmdvb2dsZWNvZGUuY29tL2ZpbGVzL3JlcG9zaXRvcnkuYmx1ZWNvcC54Ym1jLXBsdWdpbnMuemlw
* Warning: Repositories which do not zip addons are unsupported at this time. The download functionality might not work properly.
* Updating addons.xml from remote...
plugin.video.amazon 0.4.6
plugin.video.epix 0.1.0
plugin.video.espn3 0.9.9
plugin.video.free.cable 0.3.0
plugin.video.hulu 3.4.5
plugin.video.nba 0.0.3
plugin.video.reddit.bc 0.0.3
plugin.video.vevo 0.7.0
plugin.video.yahoo.music.videos 0.0.3
repository.bluecop.xbmc-plugins 1.0.1
script.hululibraryautoupdate 1.1.2
script.module.cryptopy 1.2.6
script.module.demjson 1.4
script.module.mechanize 0.2.5
script.module.pycrypto 2.5
$ xam --repo dharma all | grep plugin.video.youtube
plugin.video.youtube 2.1.4
List all addons that require xbmcswift
$ xam depends script.module.xbmcswift
* Local addons.xml is up to date...
plugin.audio.radioma 1.0
plugin.video.myvideo_de 0.1.4
plugin.video.academicearth 1.2.1
plugin.video.khanacademy 1.4.2
plugin.audio.radio_de 1.0.6
plugin.video.aljazeera 0.9.0
plugin.video.collegehumor 1.0.2
plugin.video.4players 1.1.3
plugin.video.eyetv.parser 2.1.1
plugin.video.nasa 1.0.1
plugin.video.wimp 1.0.0
$ xam search facebook
* Local addons.xml is up to date...
script.web.viewer:1: Web viewer also allows addon developers to process application authorization (ie. facebook,flickr etc.) with little programming and without violating terms of use.
script.facebook.media:1: <addon id="script.facebook.media" name="Facebook Media" provider-name="Rick Phillips (ruuk)" version="0.6.4">
script.facebook.media:2: <summary lang="en">Browse Facebook photos and videos</summary>
$ xam get plugin.video.youtube
* Local addons.xml is up to date...
* Downloading http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/eden/plugin.video.youtube/fanart.jpg to plugin.video.youtube/fanart.jpg
* Downloading http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/eden/plugin.video.youtube/changelog-2.9.1.txt to plugin.video.youtube/changelog-2.9.1.txt
* Downloading http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/eden/plugin.video.youtube/plugin.video.youtube-2.9.1.zip to plugin.video.youtube/plugin.video.youtube-2.9.1.zip
* Downloading http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/eden/plugin.video.youtube/icon.png to plugin.video.youtube/icon.png
$ ls plugin.video.youtube/
$ xam info plugin.video.academicearth
* Updating addons.xml from remote...
Academic Earth (plugin.video.academicearth 1.2.1)
<addon id="plugin.video.academicearth" name="Academic Earth" provider-name="Jonathan Beluch (jbel)" version="1.2.1">
<import addon="xbmc.python" version="2.0" />
<import addon="script.module.beautifulsoup" version="3.0.8" />
<import addon="script.module.xbmcswift" version="0.2.0" />
<import addon="plugin.video.youtube" version="2.9.1" />
<extension library="addon.py" point="xbmc.python.pluginsource">
<extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
<summary>Watch lectures from Academic Earth (http://academicearth.org)</summary>
<description>Browse online courses and lectures from the world's top scholars.</description>
(xbmc-vimcasts)jon@lenovo ~/Code/xbmc-vimcasts (master) $ xam release
oooo ooo .oooo. ooo. .oo. .oo.
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Y888' .oP"888 888 888 888
.o8"'88b d8( 888 888 888 888
o88' 888o `Y888""8o o888o o888o o888o
I'm going to help you create a new release for VimCasts.
.. Init ..
Please answer the following:
[?] I see you are using git. Is master the branch you want to use for the release? (Y/n)
[?] This release will be for XBMC EDEN. Is this correct? (Y/n)
.. Release Metadata for plugin.video.vimcasts ..
[?] The current version is 1.1. What should the new version be? [1.2] 1.1
Writing new version to addon.xml...OK
[?] I see your addon has a few dependencies. Would you like to check for new versions? (Y/n)
Starting new HTTP connection (1): mirrors.xbmc.org
Dependency script.module.xbmcswift2 is already at the newest version.
[?] I see you have a changelog.txt. Would you like to update it now? (Y/n) n
[?] I'm ready to commit the changes and tag the release. Should we continue? (Y/n) y
.. Release 1.1..
Adding local changes to staging...OK
[master d5e32ee] [xam-release-script] creating release for version 1.1
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Creating commit...OK
Tagging release...OK
Counting objects: 5, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 385 bytes, done.
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:jbeluch/xbmc-vimcasts.git
63e631c..d5e32ee HEAD -> master
Counting objects: 1, done.
Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 164 bytes, done.
Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:jbeluch/xbmc-vimcasts.git
* [new tag] 1.1 -> 1.1
Pushing commit and tags to remote...OK
Congrats. Release was successful.
| Mailing List Email |
To: xbmc-addons@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [git pull] plugin.video.vimcasts
*addon - plugin.video.vimcasts
*version - 1.1
*url - git://github.com/jbeluch/xbmc-vimcasts.git
*tag - 1.1
*xbmc version - eden