LearningProgress is a small server application based on Django for tracking individual learning progress on a structured curriculum. It is still under development.
$ python3 --version # This should return Python 3.x $ git clone https://github.com/LearningProgress/LearningProgress.git $ cd LearningProgress $ virtualenv .virtualenv --python=python3 $ source .virtualenv/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python manage.py syncdb # Prompts for input some superuser data. $ python manage.py loaddata extras/example-data-de.json $ python manage.py runserver
LearningProgress uses
- Python 3.x
- Django 1.6.x
- django-mptt 0.6.0
- Constance 0.6
- django-picklefield 0.3.1
- Six 1.6.1
- django-bootstrap3 3.2.x
- Bootstrap 3.1.1
- jQuery 1.11.0
- jQuery Form Plugin v20140218
- CKEditor 4.3.4
LearningProgress is Free/Libre Open Source Software and distributed under the MIT License, see LICENSE file. The authors are mentioned in the AUTHORS file.