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Releases: jenniferlu717/Bracken

Bracken v3.1

26 Feb 19:35
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Updated Release

Bracken v2.9

20 Sep 19:56
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This release addresses changes to kraken-uniq, no longer allowing input files to be streamed in for classification. The update now concatenates all library files and then classifies the library to generate database.kraken

Bracken v2.8

11 Oct 19:27
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Bracken now works with KrakenUniq. Users can specify bracken-build -y krakenuniq to create krakenuniq kmer_distribution files. Krakenuniq reports will also work with Bracken.

Bracken v2.7

02 Jun 17:04
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Clades without genome-level assignments will no longer be removed.

Bracken v2.6.2

21 Mar 17:34
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Small updates thanks to @milot-mirdita

Bracken v2.6.1

17 Mar 20:38
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Bracken is now compatible with KrakenUniq and Kraken2Uniq reports.

Bracken v2.6.0

03 Apr 18:47
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kraken_processing.cpp has been modified to accommodate a smaller RAM machine and to be faster. The two previous steps for reading database.kraken and generating the new databaseXmers.kraken file have been combined into a single I/O step to avoid requiring the entire database.kraken file to be read into memory.

Bracken v2.5.3

26 Mar 10:01
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Remove need for -w specification when running bracken
Update versioning

Bracken v2.5.2 - Fixes for bugs + Support for non-traditional taxonomy abundance estimation

20 Mar 13:01
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Made some fixes to the code to accommodate non-ncbi taxonomy files. Also made changes to allow for non-traditional taxonomy abundance estimation (such as estimates at levels R5, R6, G1, G2, S1, S2, etc). Also some debugging to make sure the build files are consistent/accurate.

Bracken v2.5 - 30x Faster bracken-build time

08 Aug 03:06
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Bracken-build script kraken_processing.cpp updated/optimized to allow for 30x faster build time (as tested on 1 Million DB sequences and 16 Threads)