Releases: jio-gl/chaincraft
Chaincraft v0.3.2 - Tucuman
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2
Chaincraft v0.3.0 - Tucuman
What's Changed
- First version of Crypto Primitives, some are toys by @jio-gl in #23
- More pro README by @jio-gl in #27
- migrated SlothVDF python version to chaincraft by @jio-gl in #29
- Create python-app.yml by @jio-gl in #31
- first chatroom protocol (non-merkelized object) with client and tutorial by @jio-gl in #35
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.1
Chaincraft v0.2.1 - Salta
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1
Chaincraft v0.2.0 - Salta
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
Chaincraft v0.1.0 - Jujuy
🌟 Automatic peer discovery - nodes proactively connect to the network
🔗 Bidirectional peer connections for improved resilience
📡 Gossip protocol optimized for faster message propagation
🔒 Enhanced security with peer banning for invalid messages
🧩 Modular shared object system for custom data structures
⛓️ SimpleChainObject for building and syncing hash chains
🔄 Concurrent update handling and chain fork resolution
🕰️ Improved sync logic and timeouts for large networks
🧪 Comprehensive test suite covering various scenarios
📊 Detailed debug logging for better visibility and diagnostics
Read HelloWorld tutorial in htdocs/
What's Changed
- main module legiblity internal functions etc by @jio-gl in #12
- Gossip SharedObject Periodically by @jio-gl in #16
- Chaincraft Client and Hello World Tutorial by @jio-gl in #18
New Contributors
Full Changelog: