- Overview - What is diaspora*-replica?
- Deploy diaspora* on local environment
- Deploy diaspora* on production environment
- Using PostgreSQL Database
- How to set up a Development Environment
- How to upgrade diaspora*-replica
- Which Operating Systems are supported?
- How to contribute this project
- Troubleshooting
The aim of this project is to provide a way to automate the provision and the deploy of a diaspora* POD through tools like Vagrant 2, Puppet and Capistrano 3
- If you are a developer you can use these tools to setup a development environment
- If you are a POD maintainer you can use these tools to automatically provision and configure machines (on a bare-metal server or cloud providers) and deploy diaspora* on it
If you want to try diaspora* without messing up your computer by installing and configuring extra packages, you can set up a virtual machine that is executed by Vagrant and then automatically configured by Puppet. Now that you have a fully configured virtual machine ready to host a diaspora application, will be very easy to deploy it with Capistrano.
Vagrantfile, Puppet and Capistrano are already configured to handle two environments: development
and production
. If you want to try them you have to update /etc/hosts
file, adding to it the FQDNs for the local diaspora* installation.
Put these entries in your /etc/hosts development.diaspora.local production.diaspora.local
git clone https://github.com/joebew42/diaspora-replica.git
cd diaspora-replica
git submodule update --init
vagrant plugin install vagrant-puppet-install
vagrant up production
Wait until the virtual machine is automatically created and configured.
If you have not installed Capistrano on your computer, you can easily run bundle to install it.
cd capistrano/ && bundle
When the virtual machine is up and running, then you can deploy diaspora* on it using Capistrano
cd capistrano
cap production deploy
When executed the first time, this step can take several minutes (about 20, based on your internet connection), because the diaspora git repository must be cloned and the bundler will install ruby gems.
Once capistrano completed the deploy task, you can start diaspora through eye
cap production diaspora:eye:start
Wait until unicorn workers are ready (about 30/40 seconds) and then your diaspora* installation will be up and running at http://production.diaspora.local
You can use Capistrano tasks to start, stop, restart or get information about diaspora*
cap production diaspora:eye:start
cap production diaspora:eye:stop
cap production diaspora:eye:restart
cap production diaspora:eye:info
If you want to deploy a different branch of diaspora* (ex. develop
instead of master
) you have to update puppet/manifest/site.pp
by specifying correct rvm
and ruby
node 'production.diaspora.local' {
class { 'diaspora':
hostname => $fqdn,
environment => 'production',
rvm_version => '1.26.3',
ruby_version => '2.1.5',
app_directory => '/home/diaspora',
user => 'diaspora',
group => 'diaspora',
db_provider => 'mysql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_port => '3306',
db_name => 'diaspora_production',
db_username => 'diaspora',
db_password => 'diaspora',
db_root_password => 'diaspora_root',
unicorn_worker => 4,
sidekiq_concurrency => 5,
sidekiq_retry => 10,
sidekiq_namespace => 'diaspora'
Set up the the repo_url
and/or the branch
that we want to deploy by editing capistrano/config/deploy/production.rb
set :repo_url, 'https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora.git'
set :branch, 'develop'
Execute the provision of the machine and the deploy of diaspora*
vagrant up production
cd capistrano/
cap production deploy
cap production diaspora:eye:start
Check out your diaspora* installation at http://production.diaspora.local
If you want to use these tools to deploy a production installation (e.g. staging or production), you have to configure some properties inside Vagrantfile
, puppet/manifests/site.pp
, capistrano/config/deploy/production.rb
and of course, SSL certs and private/public keys for the server.
You have to configure your Vagrantfile
based on the virtual machine provider you are going to use (e.g. Amazon AWS, DigitalOcean, and other). Please see the Vagrant Provider Documentation for detailed instructions. If you are not going to use vagrant you can skip this section and apply puppet manually, or configure a puppet master/agent environment. See the Puppet documentation for more informations.
node 'myproduction.domain.com' {
class { 'diaspora':
hostname => $fqdn,
environment => 'production',
rvm_version => '1.26.3',
ruby_version => '2.1.5',
app_directory => '/home/diaspora',
user => 'diaspora',
group => 'diaspora',
db_provider => 'mysql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_port => '3306',
db_name => 'diaspora_production',
db_username => 'diaspora',
db_password => 'diaspora',
db_root_password => 'diaspora_root',
unicorn_worker => 4,
sidekiq_concurrency => 5,
sidekiq_retry => 10,
sidekiq_namespace => 'diaspora'
Of course, you have to change myproduction.domain.com with your real Fully Qualified Domain Name, and adjust settings, if needed.
You have to put the SSL key and certificate in puppet/modules/diaspora/files/certs/
. The file names must contain the FQDN followed by .crt and .key. See the examples that already exists.
Put in puppet/modules/diaspora/files/diaspora.pub
the public key of the user that will be granted to execute commands from Capistrano.
Now that your Puppet configuration is complete, you have to execute it to your production server. If you use vagrant configured with one of the supported providers it can be done automatically. If you are not able to configure vagrant, you can apply puppet in other ways. But this topic will be not covered here. See the Puppet documentation for this.
Here you have to configure the FQDN, the git repository URL, the name of the branch and the user of the remote server.
In order to allow Capistrano to execute commands on the remote server you need to put in capistrano/ssh_keys
the private and the public keys of the user. The public key should be the same of puppet/modules/diaspora/files/diaspora.pub
Once you have successfully configured the server, you can deploy and start diaspora*
cd capistrano
cap production deploy diaspora:eye:start
If you want to use PostgreSQL [1] instead of the default MySQL, you can configure it through puppet/manifests/site.pp
node 'development.diaspora.local' {
class { 'diaspora':
hostname => $fqdn,
environment => 'development',
rvm_version => '1.26.3',
ruby_version => '2.1.5',
app_directory => '/home/diaspora',
user => 'diaspora',
group => 'diaspora',
db_provider => 'postgresql',
db_host => 'localhost',
db_port => '5432',
db_name => 'diaspora_development',
db_username => 'diaspora',
db_password => 'diaspora',
db_root_password => 'diaspora_root',
unicorn_worker => 4,
sidekiq_concurrency => 5,
sidekiq_retry => 10,
sidekiq_namespace => 'diaspora'
note the db_provider
and db_port
[1] Puppet will install PostgreSQL 9.1
Because of "--deployment" flag that is set up by default in capistrano bundler, it is necessary to fork diaspora* in a personal git repository and bundle it with PostgreSQL support:
$ DB=postgres bundle
Add the generated Gemfile.lock under version control. In capistrano/config/deploy/production.rb
you have to specify your git repository:
set :repo_url, 'https://github.com/[your_github_username]/diaspora.git'
set :branch, '[your_branch]'
You can use these tools to easly set up a fully development environment for diaspora*. The development
machine is configured within Vagrantfile
with enough RAM (2GB) to run all tests.
In this way you can write code using your preferred IDE or editor (vim
, emacs
, eclipse
and so on) directly from your local environment (the host machine), by executing tests within the development
virtual machine.
git clone https://github.com/joebew42/diaspora-replica.git
cd diaspora-replica
git submodule update --init
vagrant plugin install vagrant-puppet-install
Ensure you have nfs-server
installed and running on your host. Vagrantfile
is configured to synchronize an host directory (src/
) with the guest directory (diaspora_src/
). For better I/O performance read the Vagrant Synced Folder Documentation. The first step is to clone your own diaspora* git repository into the local directory src
cd diaspora-replica
git clone your_own_diapora_git_repo src
Create a new branch or switch to existing one (eg. master
or develop
). Lets say we want to switch to the develop
cd src/
git checkout develop
cd ..
vagrant up development
vagrant ssh development
vagrant@development:~$ sudo usermod -aG rvm vagrant && newgrp rvm
vagrant@development:~$ /bin/bash --login
vagrant@development:~$ cd diaspora_src
Prepare your configuration files diaspora.yml
and database.yml
, put it into config/
vagrant@development:~$ rvm use 2.2
The line above is just an example, since you have to remember to choose the right rubies
accordingly to .ruby-version
vagrant@development:~$ rvm gemset create diaspora_dev
vagrant@development:~$ rvm gemset use diaspora_dev
vagrant@development:~$ bundle install --with mysql postgresql
If bundle
fails consider to update it with gem update bundler
. Or if is not installed run gem install bundler
vagrant@development:~$ rake generate:secret_token
vagrant@development:~$ rake db:create
vagrant@development:~$ rake db:migrate
vagrant@development:~$ rake db:test:prepare
vagrant@development:~$ rake assets:generate_error_pages
vagrant@development:~$ bundle exec rake
Follow these steps in order to upgrade an existing installation of diaspora*. In this example we'll consider the production
environment (you can apply the same instructions for staging
, development
or user defined environment).
cd diaspora-replica/
git pull --rebase origin master
git submodule update
vagrant up production
vagrant provision production --provision-with puppet
cd capistrano/
cap production deploy
cap production diaspora:eye:restart
- Ubuntu 14.04LTS Server
- Ubuntu 12.04LTS Server
- CentOS 6.4
By default the Vagrantfile
is configured to run an Ubuntu 14.04LTS Server box. If you want to switch to Ubuntu 12.04LTS Server or CentOS 6.4, you have to edit the file.
This project is under development. At the moment the Puppet provides support and, has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04LTS Server, Ubuntu 12.04LTS Server and CentOS 6.4. It could be useful if someone can test it over other version of Ubuntu or CentOS, or provides support for other GNU/Linux distributions. The Database section of the Puppet does not consider parameters like hostname and port at the moment. Furthermore there a lot of variables of diaspora.yml that are not covered (e.g. mail server configuration, unicorn workers, and more).
When I run cap production deploy
I get this error message:
SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: Exception while executing as diaspora@production.diaspora.local: fingerprint 83:1c:52:22:d1:9c:86:5b:1b:29:80:17:95:5d:a0:29 does not match for "production.diaspora.local,"
Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch: fingerprint 83:1c:52:22:d1:9c:86:5b:1b:29:80:17:95:5d:a0:29 does not match for "production.diaspora.local,"
To solve this problem, remove the host entry from your known hosts
ssh-keygen -R production.diaspora.local