ZeroMQ mex bindings for MATLAB. This version is known to work with:
- ZMQ 4.0.8 on Debian 8 with MATLAB 2016a.
- ZMQ 4.1.5 on Mac OS X 10.11.6 with MATLAB 2016a.
Requires ZeroMQ, naturally. Try sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev
brew install zeromq
or similar.
To build, run make
To test, run make test
if MATLAB can be called from the command line.
p = zmq('publish', 'tcp://*:1337');
s = zmq('subscribe', 'tcp://');
% for tcp on the localhost, it's necessary to poll once before sending anything
% see:
zmq('poll', 1); % 1 msec
while 1
nbytes_sent = zmq('send', p, uint8('hello world!')');
id = zmq('poll', -1); % block
[data, has_more] = zmq('recv', id(1));
fprintf('%s\n', char(data'));